Author Archives: tiffany

Change Your Brain

Rewiring your brain so that you no longer crave foods that cause you to be fat is the single most important step to maintaining your weight loss. Any diet will work to lose weight if you can stay on it – but no one does. Why? Because they have not reconditioned their brain. Food manufacturers have specifically designed foods to produce irresistible cravings by activating the addictive responses and advertising is truly a science that produces triggers, like Pavlov’s dogs, to go for the food at all costs.

How do you re wire your brain? You can’t! It takes a teacher, a mentor to show you and give you a language. You have to learn how to think differently and you need someone that thinks that way to help you through it. There are few things as difficult to do as changing the way you think about food and eating and to expect that you can do it on your own is a recipe for a fat disaster.

Luckily, that is exactly what we do with The Skinny Coach Solution … we are here to help guide you through your life changing, brain changing, body changing journey.

Schedule a time to talk to the Skinny Coach!

Give up Corn and Lose

Animals fed a diet of genetically modified corn gained weight faster and maintained the weight when compared to animals fed a diet of non-genetically modified corn.

The researchers also found that rats that were given a diet consisting of fish that had been fed genetically-modified corn, also gained more weight.

Protein digestion also becomes more difficult for the animals eating genetically modified foods. If you eat animals that have consumed a diet of genetically-modified grain or corn, or you eat genetically modified grains like corn you are going to get fat. Don’t eat it and don’t let your kids eat it.
Watch this

Texas Pot Roast

1 lb. lean bottom round beef roast
1 C. onion, chopped
1 C. celery, cut in 1 inch pieces
1 1/2 C. carrots, cut in 1-inch pieces
1/2 C. tomato sauce
1 clove garlic, minced or pressed
3/4 t. cumin
1/4 t. cayenne
1 bay leaf
1/2 to 1 C. water or broth

Brown meat on all sides, then add garlic and onion and cook until soft. Stir in other ingredients. Bring to a boil, reduce heat, and simmer for 3-4 hours. Add more water or broth if necessary. Serve 1/4 of the meat with 1 C. veggies and sauce. Makes 4 servings.

1 serving = 1 protein and 1 vegetable

9 Things you can say if you are Skinny

“My wedding ring fits just right.”
“I love running around the playground with my kids.”
“People are always telling me how good my skin looks.”
“I’m skinny.”
“I can wear whatever I’d like.”
“I never feel guilty from the foods I eat.”
“I’ll be alive to see my grandkids graduate.”
“I like sex again.”
“I feel like I can do anything now!”

Chicken Mexicano Recipe

Whole chicken, quartered
1 T. cumin
2 T. chili powder
1 T. salt
1 T. pepper
1 C. salsa or blended Pico de Gallo
1/2 C. cooked rice
1/2 C. cooked beans
1-1/2 C. salad

Combine all spices in a small bowl. Sprinkle seasonings on top of chicken then spread 3/4 C. salsa evenly over the chicken. Bake at 350 degrees F for 1 hour and 15 minutes. Measure 4 oz. of chicken and serve with rice, beans, salad and 1/4 C. salsa or Pico de Gallo.

From The Skinny Coach Solution Recipe book
You can get your own here


Do you think your weight effects your relationship with your spouse? I do. In fact, when interviewing patients that are interested in the Skinny Coach Solution one of the questions I always ask is, “How has your weight effected your relationship with your husband?” Inevitable, the women I speak with say some version of “Ohh my husband is great he loves me no matter what.” However, upon pressing the truth of the matter is reveled – what you eat does effect your relationship. Why? Not because your spouse is superficial and only loves you based on your body size but because if you are not in control of what you eat, if you are not comfortable in your skin and if you are unhealthy food you are not only fat, but you are sick, tired, disappointed and moody.

Psychologically it is devastating to not be able to control what you put in your mouth. Lying to yourself and letting yourself down every day can be very emotionally traumatic – , “Today I will eat better,” “Today I won’t have any candy,” “Monday I will start fresh.” and once again you don’t eat better, you do have the candy bar and years of Mondays pass you by. This constant failure and disappointment effects how you feel about yourself and of course, how happy you are, how active you are, how alive you feel and how you treat those around you.

Physically, when we eat foods that are bad for us, like sugar and flour, our blood sugar levels become unstable which have a host of effects on our mood and behavior. In fact, new research has been conducted looking at the relationship between blood glucose levels and aggression in marriage and it was found that low glucose levels result in lack of self –control, irritable behavior and aggression toward their spouse.

Health is the number one reason to cut out the sugar and flour from your diet but it is not the only reason. What type of partner do you want to be for your spouse? What type of parent do you want to be to your child? They deserve the best you can be and so do you. If you need help please feel free to fill out the Sugar Addiction Quiz and schedule an appointment with me to see what we can do to break this cycle. With the right set of tools you can figure out how to lose weight and keep it off.

Do you have Weight Belly?

When two groups of rats were fed high fat diets but one was wheat free and the other 4.5% wheat, the wheat free rats exhibited weight loss. The weight gain in wheat eating rats has nothing to do with calories but instead gluten proteins that disrupt endocrine and exocrine processes within the body, as well as modulating nuclear gene expression which alters metabolism in the direction of weight gain.

Take flour out and you will lose weight and feel better. The Skinny Coach diet eliminates wheat and sugar and you will immediately feel the results. Take the Skinny Coach quiz to find out if you have “wheat belly.”

Soybean vs. Coconut Oil

In a 12-week study, 40 women were randomly split into two groups. Each group was given approximately two tablespoons of either soybean oil or coconut oil and instructed to follow a reduced calorie eating plan and to walk 50 minutes a day.

At the end of the study the “coconut oil group” increased their good cholesterol, reduced their bad cholesterol, and significantly reduced their waist circumference (stomach fat).

The soybean oil group levels of cholesterol went up and they didn’t lose any stomach fat – even with a reduced calorie eating plan and walking 50 minutes a day.

Organic sources of fat like coconut oil and macadamia nut oil have saturated fat but it does not matter because they are full of nutrition and are better for you than processed vegetable oils, like canola and soybean, that cause inflammation in your body.

I would like to offer you a free 1 hour session with the L.A. Skinny Coach.

Take the Sugar Addiction Quiz, a simple 7 question test to see if you are intolerant to sugar and if it is making you fat and I will call you with your results and help you figure out what to do about it.

5 Skinny Tips for Thanksgiving

Poor Tiffany

People always look at me in dismay when the issue of Thanksgiving comes up. They feel a deep sense of sadness for “Poor Tiffany, you know she doesn’t get to eat any pumpkin pie for dessert.” Sometimes people who have not known me as long are assured that I must indulge at least once a year for the holidays. I am happy to assure them that yes, I indulged for the holidays for years. Before Skinny Coach I had pumpkin pie, pecan pie, spiced nuts, mixed nuts, chunks of cheese…. I had stuffing and gravy and seconds and thirds, I had rolls and cranberry sauce and hot toddy and egg nog. Yes, I know how to indulge. Yes, I have indulged. Yes, I weighed well over 200 pounds.

Now, I don’t eat, even one bite of pumpkin pie on Thanksgiving day and I am fine. I have had enough pumpkin pie. I have had so much pumpkin pie over the years of my fat life that I can actually remember the taste. I had enough pumpkin pie. Now I have skinny. Now I don’t have to unbutton my pants after Thanksgiving dinner. Now, I can go for a walk while everyone else is comatose in front of the TV. Now, I am not too tired to get up the next day. Now I am not upset about how much I ate or disgusted by my failed attempts to only have one serving. Now, I can wake up the next morning for the big shopping day and slip into my skinny jeans and have a quick Skinny Coach smoothie and go shopping.

Do I feel sorry for myself? No.

Yes, the stuffing and pie all look and smell yummy, but I just don’t eat that anymore and in exchange I get to be skinny. I have had enough pumpkin pie, I am trying skinny now.

Skinny Girl Thanksgiving Dinner
Holiday Spiced Brown Rice
Spinach Salad
Roasted Cauliflower

If you would like 5 Skinny Tips for Thanksgiving dinner write me.

What are your behavioral cues or triggers?

Losing weight is not about a diet or food plan. It certainly is not about an exercise plan. Losing weight is about changing your behavior. You have to design a life where weight loss is automatic. Changing your behavior is very difficult because you have associations, cues and triggers about food that are hard wired through repetition and reward pathways in the brain. If your unconscious eating habits are making you fat, sick and tired it is important to realize that the reason you can’t stay on a healthy eating plan is because you are not conscious of your underlying patterns. Therefore, while there are a number of ways to effectively help people change these patterns you first have to recognize them so then you can “reprogram” your behavior. Environmental triggers are by far the most common type of trigger. Seeing a bag of chips, chocolate chip cookie or the ice cream in the freezer is an obvious environmental cue to eat, eat more, eat too much. Shifting the unconscious choice is as simple as removing the trigger. Of course, first you have to have motivation to change, but assuming that is there – remove the ice cream and you have behavioral design! You have removed the trigger so you don’t eat it. Over time the association to even eat ice cream at home or at all begins to dissipate because you have not rewarded the association – thus you have behavioral change. Systematically identifying, removing and replacing your emotional and behavior association with food is a multi step proposition and usually requires help. I can help – schedule a time to discuss, id and narrow down your emotional eating patterns. There are lots of behavioral cues you have to deal with and I know them all. Let me help

I would really appreciate your comments below. Ask me any diet related question or let me know what you would like to know more about.

If you read this article and could forward it to a friend you could really help them out.
Most importantly, if you are struggling and need help all you have to do is email me at and I’ll set up a complementary session with you to pinpoint your triggers and help you with ways to deal with them. You don’t have to struggle with your weight and health. I can help you.

Get Skinny!
Take the Skinny Coach quiz and the
Skinny Coach will call you with the results.

Please add me to your Facebook friends and I will send you the list of the 100 names of sugar and 1 tip to lose that belly fat.

I lost 20 pounds! on the Skinny Coach Program

1. My recent 20lb weight loss over the last month has been great especially when I can see a very real change in how my clothes fit, markedly decreased swelling in my feet and ankles, and much lower blood pressure.

2. My food bill is much less now while cooking at home compared to eating in restaurants and drive-thrus all the time.

3. By avoiding flour and sugar completely, and pre planning my meals I have had no serious cravings, no suffering/deprivation/ white-knuckling.

Take advantage of an hour with Dr. Wright, the Skinny Coach, talking about YOUR weight story and underlying psychological issues. Schedule your appointment here!

Schedule a complementary Get Skinny Strategy Session:

Visceral fat

The New England Journal of Medicine looked at more than 350,000 people found that those with belly fat have a higher risk of DYING compared to their peers without a spare tire. Why? Because belly fat is metabolically and biologically active. Belly fat functions as an endocrine organ producing hormones and other chemical messengers and toxins that affect appetite, insulin action and that increase inflammation and make it difficult for your other organs like your kidneys, liver and heart work properly. For instance, visceral fat is located close to the vein that carries blood to your liver. The hormones and toxins that belly fat produce gets in that vein and is carried to your liver. One effect is that it causes your liver to produce more LDL cholesterol, which can collect in your arteries oxidize and become inflamed leading to swelling that narrows the arteries, restrict blood flow, strains your heart and leads to heart attacks and strokes. Belly fat also PRODUCES glucose, or blood sugar, which causes your body to produce insulin with eventually leads to type 2 diabetes.

Exercise won’t help, low carb diets won’t help, calorie restriction will not help and low fat REALLY won’t help.

It is not a big secret, trick or gadget. Nothing will work that does not get rid of the foods that actually make dangerous visceral fat. You will lose that fat belly by eliminating the foods that block your hormonal signals that say you are full and that addict your brain, foods that changes your brain chemicals so that it addicts you to that food. It is truly easy to drop the fat once you take those foods out of your diet. Luckily if you are reading this, you have removed sugar and flour! Bravo!