Category Archives: Health

Resistant Starch – Who Knew?

Resistant starches are a weight loss TRICK that really works. These starches contribute in many ways to weight loss and over all digestive health. What are they? Beans, peas, lentils, potatoes, yams, nuts and seeds, unripe bananas and whole grains such as barley and brown rice are all resistant starches and will help you lose weight.

Starch consists of molecules of glucose linked to each other forming amylose and amylopectin. Amylopectin molecules have a branched shape and fit together loosely, which makes them easier to digest. Amylose molecules fit together tightly and form granules that are much harder to digest. Most plant food is made up of 20-25% amylose, but resistant starches contain much more amylose (60-80%) than amylopectin, so they are resistant to digestion.

Normally your body digests starches in your stomach and small intestine, turning them to glucose (blood sugar) to fuel your body and store the excess as fat. When you eat resistant starches, however, they digest differently, passing through the stomach and small intestine and settling in the large intestine. There they ferment, helping in several different ways.

One: They create beneficial short chain fatty acids including butyrate that help promote weight loss by increasing the amount of stored and just consumed fat your body burns and reducing blood sugar and insulin levels.

Two: They protect the lining of your colon by decreasing ph, which boosts calcium absorption and blocks absorption of cancer causing substances.

Three: They help the growth of healthy bacteria (probiotics) which gives your immune system a boost.

Four: They prompt your body to produce more of the hormones that signal satiety and fullness, so you feel full sooner and eat less!

How do you benefit the most from eating these foods? Cooking these starches breaks them down somewhat (gelatinization), making them easier to digest; cooling them thoroughly before you eat them gives the starch a chance to harden into a crystallized form (retrogradation) that is harder for the body to digest. So eat these foods cooked then cooled!

I would really appreciate your comments below. Ask me any diet related question or let me know what you would like to know more about.


If you read this article and could forward it to a friend you could really help them out.
Most importantly, if you are struggling and need help all you have to do is email me at and I’ll set up a complementary session with you to pinpoint your triggers and help you with ways to deal with them. You don’t have to struggle with your weight and health. I can help you.

Get Skinny!
Take the Skinny Coach quiz and the
Skinny Coach will call you with the results.

Please add me to your Facebook friends and I will send you the list of the 100 names of sugar and 1 tip to lose that belly fat.

Are you tired of the word “lifestyle change?”

“It’s not about starting another diet, it’s about making a lifestyle change!” Lifestyle is the buzz word right now as people are becoming painfully aware that diets have a dark and dirty under belly. Unfortunately, while we may hear it every day it doesn’t change the fact that when you wake up tomorrow, and start eating 1200 calories a day and exercising like Peyton Manning you feel like you’re on a DIET.

Allow me to clarify what the difference between another diet and having a true and meaningful lifestyle change. Your body has been on one diet or another since you were born. Whether it was the ‘junk food diet’, the ‘I’m in college and eat Top Ramen diet’, or the ‘I’m pregnant, step away slowly diet’; either way it’s a diet. It’s a conscious decision to eat a certain way every day- that literally is all a diet is. Think for a moment the first time you tried something; for instance, your favorite ice cream- once you started eating that ice cream, once you realized you liked it and it made you feel good, you started eating that food repeatedly. Therefore, making that ice cream a part of your diet. Once the ice cream became a regular part of your diet, it became a lifestyle change in which you now eat ice cream almost every day. You can see through this chain of thinking – a diet decision became a lifestyle change before your very eyes.

Of course, that leads to the next thought- which is how can I make healthy food that will make me thin, healthy and happy a lifestyle change. There is good news and bad news. Our brain is very clear about what it desires, if you consume something that rewards your pleasure center you will crave that thing… Potentially a lot. That’s the bad news. The good news is that you can train your brain that healthy food, while it may not light up your pleasure center right away, still makes you feel good and right. If you eat good wholesome food every day, and you never get stomach aches or bloats from rich food, or indigestion from fatty or greasy food, and you feel light and energetic, your brain will get that message. That means that you are always speaking with your brain, you are constantly trying to communicate. If you tell your brain and body that the best you can do is light up that reward center- it will take what it can get. But if you tell your brain that these certain foods can make you clearer, give you less headaches, and allow you to be at your best- your brain will hear you!

So the truth of the matter is that everyone starts a ‘diet.’ You can’t escape it, if you are eating in a way that is making your fat and sick today, you will have to start a diet if you want to be thin, and healthy- there’s no trick. But once you start that diet, once you (and your brain) really believe that this diet food is rewarding and making you feel good- you will start to crave good food!! Believe me, today I crave yummy creamy yogurt with cooked apples and cinnamon- and my brain believes me!

If you’re ready to start the diet, that will lead to the lifestyle; that will make you thin, healthy and incredibly happy take my SKINNY COACH QUIZ today!


It’s official – 1 in 3 Americans will develop diabetes. That is outstanding and disgusting. Just in case the prevalence causes some sort of desensitization let me be clear for you, diabetes takes an average of 15 years off your life, it is also the leading cause of blindness, kidney failure and amputations. Diabetes is the 7th leading cause of death and your chances of dying are twice that of someone that does not have diabetes.

It is ALL about the food you eat. Food is broken down into molecular units to be processed by your body. Sugar and carbohydrates are broken doesn’t into glucose, glucose gets in the bloodstream and raises blood sugar. In response, the pancreases releases insulin to help get rid of the sugar. However, we are not eating food, we are eating poisoned food like substances like high fructose corn syrup and genetically modified food products. The result we have too much sugar floating in our bloodstream and our pancreases can not keep up and so you get diabetes.

The absolutely only way to control this is to control the carbohydrates you are eating. I am NOT talking about a low carb diet – far from it. Low carb diets are not healthy, cause brain problems, weigh loss always stalls, lack of nutrients and depression. I am talking about eliminating all refined carbohydrates – meaning sugar and flour and keep your protein intake up. If you do this you can not only lose weight quickly and without suffering, you will keep your insulin and blood sugar in balance which will change everything about your health.

The Skinny Coach diet has been sugar and flour free for 17 years. While the diet gurus where still promoting low fat, I knew no refined foods was the way to go.

Sally just came for her weigh in today and lost 11 pounds and 29 inches and so can you.

Do you need a Mentor?

When people want to learn something they go to school to be taught by a teacher who is trained extensively on that which they wish to learn. When it is time to learn to drive you are instructed by your parents (people who have often been driving for decades.) When you want to learn a sport you are guided and trained by your couch. But, when a person wants to lose weight, suddenly it’s time to ‘pull up your boot straps’ and do it on your own. Why is that?

Weight loss, potentially one of the most difficult struggles that a person will ever encounter, is a job that people believe one should be able to accomplish on their own. It is unrealistic to think that this is something you can handle. If you are overweight it is because you never learned the proper skills to healthy eating, and/ or you do not have control over what you are eating. There are very specific foods and activities that will allow you to control your food intake more effectively. To learn what foods you can eat without binging, and to acquire the skills you’ll need to practice to get skinny and stay skinny you need to be TAUGHT! We aren’t born with this knowledge or these skills, and you do not have to feel bad or guilty for needing help. You need someone to rewire your brain, you currently have the brain of a fat person, you need a Skinny brain to be skinny.

Hiring Dr. Wright, the Skinny Coach, to help you with your weight loss will give you the support and education you need to succeed at your weight loss goals. In your skinny journey, you will have questions, you will make goals and commitments, and you will feel discouraged; it is during all of these times that having the Skinny Coach there anytime day or night, to help guide you through, that will ensure your success. You need help to rewire your brain and train you to think like a skinny person, you need to be trained to have correct eating habits, and you need to be taught the right foods for your body. Find out if you’re a sugar addict by taking this quiz or talk to Tiffany Wright, Skinny Coach, and see how she can coach you to success.

Is this real?

Food addiction is real. It has been recognized by scientists across the globe and it must be taken seriously. When you eat highly palatable foods like sugar and flour our taste buds send messages to our brain and release dopamine. However, in as little as THREE weeks of overeating the dopamine receptors started to get compromised. This leads the overeater needing more and more to get the same feeling – what is this called? Tolerance. Additionally, because the dopamine receptors have been compromised if you are not feeding yourself more and more then you feel bad because you are not getting normal amounts of these feel good hormones. What is this called? Withdrawal. Tolerance and withdrawal are the hallmarks of addiction with all addictive substances – cocaine, alcohol, cigarettes and SUGAR.

Willpower and moderation are not relevant options with addiction. The sugar and flour must be removed. Your brain must be clean from the substance and your body must detox. This is a biochemical reaction and willpower is ineffective in the face of a bio chemical reaction that happens every day of every week of every year. This is why a smoker can’t just decide to smoke less. The logically part of their brain, their executive function, does not have control anymore – the addictive reward system has control. No addictive treatment advocates moderation. No one ever says, just have one line of coke a day or one drink a day. The body and brain can be healed but FIRST you must detox from the substance through complete abstinence and SECOND, you must engage in evidenced based treatment that includes cognitive behavioral therapy, behavioral modification therapy, talk therapy and group therapy. The Skinny Coach Solution offers all of this and that is why it works. That is why it will work for you. Please take a chance and schedule an appointment to talk.

I would really appreciate your comments below. Ask me any diet related question or let me know what you would like to know more about.

If you read this article and could forward it to a friend you could really help them out.
Most importantly, if you are struggling and need help all you have to do is email me at and I’ll set up a complementary session with you to pinpoint your triggers and help you with ways to deal with them. You don’t have to struggle with your weight and health. I can help you.

Get Skinny!
Take the Skinny Coach quiz and the
Skinny Coach will call you with the results.

Please add me to your Facebook friends and I will send you the list of the 100 names of sugar and 1 tip to lose that belly fat.

White Tea Zaps Fat!

I have been a strong advocate of white tea for years. White tea is the immature bud of green tea and is less processed, has less caffeine and has more antioxidants than green tea. It is also noticeably sweeter and lighter tasting than green tea. Now researchers in Germany, led by Marc Winnefeld, have found that white tea also has anti-obesity effects. That’s right, white tea has two major fat-busting components. First white tea reduces the formation of new fat cells, AND it also stimulates the breakdown of fat in already existing cells. The explanation is complicated, but the conclusion is spectacular. Finally here’s something we can ingest that actually will make us skinny! Drink at least 3 cups a day, 8-10 is even better and watch the fat cells disappear.

I would really appreciate your comments below. Ask me any diet related question or let me know what you would like to know more about.


If you read this article and could forward it to a friend you could really help them out.
Most importantly, if you are struggling and need help all you have to do is email me at and I’ll set up a complementary session with you to pinpoint your triggers and help you with ways to deal with them. You don’t have to struggle with your weight and health. I can help you.

Get Skinny!
Take the Skinny Coach quiz and the
Skinny Coach will call you with the results.

Please add me to your Facebook friends and I will send you the list of the 100 names of sugar and 1 tip to lose that belly fat.

Fat, Forgetful, Fatigued – FED UP?

Nothing has more of an impact on your health, mood and brain function than what you put in your mouth. But what is the major culprit for your depression, memory lapses, exhausted afternoons and inability to lose weight? Sugar, of course, and refined foods.

Let me explain why.

Refined foods cause a increase in blood-glucose levels. In response, the body releases insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas. Insulin signals the body to allow blood sugar to get into our cells and use it as fuel. If you eat refined foods, the body overreacts and produces too much insulin (remember we have not evolved to handle or eat refined foods, thus the health and condition of our bodies.) The overproduction of insulin drives our blood sugar too low and that causes memory problems, makes you feel like you are dragging and can cause headaches. Of course your body reacts to the low blood sugar and tries to correct by releasing hormones. These hormones raise your blood sugar but also signals your body to STORE FAT — ESPECIALLY AROUND THE BELLY. For another wonderful ironic twist of fate, it signals you to eat more because even though you just pigged out at lunch, your blood sugar is so low that your body thinks you need more food, so you become very hungry with a cravings for more refined foods. Have you noticed a difference between a nice omelette for breakfast vs. a donut? Or even NO breakfast vs. a bagel? With the donut and bagel you are hungry in two hours. But it gets even more ironic! A diet that causes your blood sugar to spike slows your metabolism down significantly. The effect works out to a difference of about 80 calories a day or 8 pounds a year.

Now you see why you can’t seem to lose that last 10, 20 or 100 pounds! Stay tuned to find out about the effects of refined foods on your memory, immune system and moods.

And in the meantime, don’t gain another pound. Call or email me to Get Skinny!

I would really appreciate your comments below. Ask me any diet related question or let me know what you would like to know more about.


If you read this article and could forward it to a friend you could really help them out.
Most importantly, if you are struggling and need help all you have to do is email me at and I’ll set up a complementary session with you to pinpoint your triggers and help you with ways to deal with them. You don’t have to struggle with your weight and health. I can help you.

Get Skinny!
Take the Skinny Coach quiz and the
Skinny Coach will call you with the results.

Please add me to your Facebook friends and I will send you the list of the 100 names of sugar and 1 tip to lose that belly fat.

3 best Skinny Girl recipes!

Chicken “Enchiladas”

3 oz. chicken breast, butterflied and sliced into 2 thin slices (you can ask your butcher to do this)
1/4 C. cottage cheese
1/2 C. each: whole Ortega chilies and spinach
Pinch each: garlic powder, salt and cumin
1/2 – 1 C. red or green enchilada sauce (Las Palmas or other sugar-free brand)
1 green onion, sliced thin
Non-stick cooking spray
1/2 C. Spanish rice
1/2 C. beans
1 C. salad

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Strain cottage cheese through a paper towel or coffee filter. Lay chicken slices out flat and pat dry. Mix cottage cheese with seasonings and spoon equal amounts onto each piece of chicken in a line. Cover cheese with chilies and spinach, and then roll chicken up. Place seam side down in a baking dish coated with spray and pour enchilada sauce over the top. Garnish with green onion and bake for 20-25 minutes. Serve with beans, rice and salad.

Skinny Snack

1/2 cup plain Greek yogurt
1/2 cup banana
1/2 cup peaches

Warm up banana and peaches in microwave. Add warmed up fruit to your yogurt. Top with cinnamon.

Great evening snack!

Cauliflower and Red Clam Sauce

2 x 10 oz. can minced clams, drained
3 cloves garlic, minced
1 medium onion, chopped
1 x 14.5 oz. can whole tomatoes
1 x 8 oz. can tomato sauce
1 x 6 oz. can tomato paste
2 bay leaves
1/2 T. fennel
1/4 T. cayenne
Broth/stock for cooking
A batch of mashed cauliflower

Saute the garlic and onions in a little broth until translucent. Mix the tomatoes, onion mixture, sauce, paste and spices in a blender and simmer for 20 minutes. Add the clams, stir and simmer for about 5 to 6 minutes. Serve over mashed cauliflower.

For more great tasty recipes-check out

Food Crisis – What to do when the cravings hit

The easiest part of any diet is the starting. The planning the food, the coaching, the gearing up; these are the moments that are fun and exciting. But, what about when you’ve been on the diet one or two days and you are hungry (or at least you think you are) and you’re ready to eat something BAD!

Imagine for a moment you’ve been on a healthy eating plan, like the Skinny Coach diet, and you’re feeling great, but you have just had a fight with your husband and suddenly, as if from nowhere you hear a small voice calling to you… “Eat me!!!” It’s the ice cream!!!! What do you do next?

  • Call your Skinny Coach
  • First off, what is the darn ice cream doing in the house still? And your husband or children want it is not a good reason! If you’re going to start a diet- REMOVE your temptations.
  • Remind yourself how happy you are that you’re finally doing something about your weight.
  • Refer to the journal in which you wrote all of the reasons you want to be thin.
  • Read, exercise, take a bath- divert your attention to something that will make you feel good, and that you can’t eat while doing
  • Eat your next meal of snack that is on your plan
  • Plan your meals for tomorrow
  • The Skinny Coach plan is based on a foundation that you are likely addicted to sugar and that you have tried doing diets on your own. That in the moment, if you were strong enough to resist you probably wouldn’t be fat, and that you may need someone to help walk you away from the edge. Tiffany Wright PhD, has been successfully coaching people through cravings since she lost 100 lbs. When you join the Skinny Coach Diet you will have access to Tiffany and her coaching anytime day or night- this is where the Doctor and her plan really shine.

    To get your first complimentary consultation click here to setup a time to speak with the Skinny Coach.

    5 Skinny Tips for Thanksgiving

    Poor Tiffany

    People always look at me in dismay when the issue of Thanksgiving comes up. They feel a deep sense of sadness for “Poor Tiffany, you know she doesn’t get to eat any pumpkin pie for dessert.” Sometimes people who have not known me as long are assured that I must indulge at least once a year for the holidays. I am happy to assure them that yes, I indulged for the holidays for years. Before Skinny Coach I had pumpkin pie, pecan pie, spiced nuts, mixed nuts, chunks of cheese…. I had stuffing and gravy and seconds and thirds, I had rolls and cranberry sauce and hot toddy and egg nog. Yes, I know how to indulge. Yes, I have indulged. Yes, I weighed well over 200 pounds.

    Now, I don’t eat, even one bite of pumpkin pie on Thanksgiving day and I am fine. I have had enough pumpkin pie. I have had so much pumpkin pie over the years of my fat life that I can actually remember the taste. I had enough pumpkin pie. Now I have skinny. Now I don’t have to unbutton my pants after Thanksgiving dinner. Now, I can go for a walk while everyone else is comatose in front of the TV. Now, I am not too tired to get up the next day. Now I am not upset about how much I ate or disgusted by my failed attempts to only have one serving. Now, I can wake up the next morning for the big shopping day and slip into my skinny jeans and have a quick Skinny Coach smoothie and go shopping.

    Do I feel sorry for myself? No.

    Yes, the stuffing and pie all look and smell yummy, but I just don’t eat that anymore and in exchange I get to be skinny. I have had enough pumpkin pie, I am trying skinny now.

    Skinny Girl Thanksgiving Dinner
    Holiday Spiced Brown Rice
    Spinach Salad
    Roasted Cauliflower

    If you would like 5 Skinny Tips for Thanksgiving dinner write me.

    What are your behavioral cues or triggers?

    Losing weight is not about a diet or food plan. It certainly is not about an exercise plan. Losing weight is about changing your behavior. You have to design a life where weight loss is automatic. Changing your behavior is very difficult because you have associations, cues and triggers about food that are hard wired through repetition and reward pathways in the brain. If your unconscious eating habits are making you fat, sick and tired it is important to realize that the reason you can’t stay on a healthy eating plan is because you are not conscious of your underlying patterns. Therefore, while there are a number of ways to effectively help people change these patterns you first have to recognize them so then you can “reprogram” your behavior. Environmental triggers are by far the most common type of trigger. Seeing a bag of chips, chocolate chip cookie or the ice cream in the freezer is an obvious environmental cue to eat, eat more, eat too much. Shifting the unconscious choice is as simple as removing the trigger. Of course, first you have to have motivation to change, but assuming that is there – remove the ice cream and you have behavioral design! You have removed the trigger so you don’t eat it. Over time the association to even eat ice cream at home or at all begins to dissipate because you have not rewarded the association – thus you have behavioral change. Systematically identifying, removing and replacing your emotional and behavior association with food is a multi step proposition and usually requires help. I can help – schedule a time to discuss, id and narrow down your emotional eating patterns. There are lots of behavioral cues you have to deal with and I know them all. Let me help

    I would really appreciate your comments below. Ask me any diet related question or let me know what you would like to know more about.

    If you read this article and could forward it to a friend you could really help them out.
    Most importantly, if you are struggling and need help all you have to do is email me at and I’ll set up a complementary session with you to pinpoint your triggers and help you with ways to deal with them. You don’t have to struggle with your weight and health. I can help you.

    Get Skinny!
    Take the Skinny Coach quiz and the
    Skinny Coach will call you with the results.

    Please add me to your Facebook friends and I will send you the list of the 100 names of sugar and 1 tip to lose that belly fat.

    Is your child a dog?

    Don’t reward yourself with food – you are not a dog!

    Turns out that when you reward your children with food it can trigger emotional eating when they grow up – DUH!

    While most parents try to keep their children from eating bad foods they also often reward good behavior or ease pain with these exact foods and it has been shown concretely from research at both Loughborough and Birmingham universities that children were much more likely to emotionally eat later in their lives if their parents used food as a reward or to ease pain.

    If you are an emotional eater can you remember instances in your childhood where your parents rewarded a good grade with a special dessert, or perhaps went for ice cream after a win in sports, how about a lollipop after a penicillin shot at the doctors (remember those?), the dentist even gave us candy after filling a cavity! I can think of many ways in which I was given food to placate or deal with bad AND good events and emotions so according to this research I am not surprised I am addicted to food.

    The good news is perhaps we can do better for our children now that we know. Think of other ways to celebrate and comfort your children now before the moment happens so that you are equipped.

    Now what about you? Is it too late? No, of course not, you can establish new connections, new patterns and change your relationship with food. Unfortunately, because emotional eating is so rooted and cemented in the neural connections of the brain it is nearly impossible to change on your own because you only have the brain you have – the one that currently makes those connections. ReWiring the brain to make new associations and habits, those of a healthy, skinny person requires someone to teach you these new ways of thinking – just like they were taught when you were young – by your parents – the Skinny Coach can teach you how to be skinny. It takes time, it takes dedication but it is doable, you just need to know how. Start by taking the Sugar Addiction Quiz and schedule a talk with the Skinny Coach and surrender to a little help.

    Take the Skinny Coach quiz and the
    Skinny Coach will call you with the results.