Category Archives: Coaching

The Big 3 – Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, and Atkins

If you’re like most people, you have tried more diets than you can count. Additionally, you have likely tried them and failed- whether you lost weight immediately or not- you weigh the same now, or more than you did before the diet. Why can’t you keep the weight off?

Weight Watchers: It’s all about moderation! That’s rubbish! If you could moderate, you would. If you could moderate you would be just like all of the millions of thin people in the world. You’re not confused. You know when you eat a cheeseburger, fries and a coke that you are contributing to your fat self. Counting calories will work in the short term- but once you get bored putting your calories in your phone all day, every day, you’ll go back to eating how you did before. There is no change here.

Jenny Craig: This one is obvious. They provide you with the frozen premade food (ick) and they charge you a ton of money for it. This is obviously not a sustainable method to lose weight. You can’t realistically spend hundreds of dollars on premade food for the rest of your life. You also can’t assume you’ll always be eating alone or at home- you have to have a life. So this diet will only work as long as you get their meals- and then you’ll gain the weight back as soon as you start eating your own food. You haven’t learned any skills, you haven’t discovered any new ways of eating.

Atkins: The principles of Atkins are not all bad. The idea of cutting out bad carbohydrates is great. If you’re eating dirty carbs, you’re really eating sugar and that ultimately will make you fat. But good grains, like brown rice, quinoa, or millet will give you necessary fiber and energy that will help you lose weight and maintain your health. Giving up all carbs, and eating fat with wild abandon will make you fat. Physically you may see results immediately, but ultimately, this is not sustainable method because this is not how our bodies are made to work.

If you’re interested in a diet that will work. Where you learn the skills to make your own food, and have a healthy life. To never count calories again, and not give up half the food pyramid, click here to take the Skinny quiz and find out the right way for you to lose weight.

Do you need a Mentor?

When people want to learn something they go to school to be taught by a teacher who is trained extensively on that which they wish to learn. When it is time to learn to drive you are instructed by your parents (people who have often been driving for decades.) When you want to learn a sport you are guided and trained by your couch. But, when a person wants to lose weight, suddenly it’s time to ‘pull up your boot straps’ and do it on your own. Why is that?

Weight loss, potentially one of the most difficult struggles that a person will ever encounter, is a job that people believe one should be able to accomplish on their own. It is unrealistic to think that this is something you can handle. If you are overweight it is because you never learned the proper skills to healthy eating, and/ or you do not have control over what you are eating. There are very specific foods and activities that will allow you to control your food intake more effectively. To learn what foods you can eat without binging, and to acquire the skills you’ll need to practice to get skinny and stay skinny you need to be TAUGHT! We aren’t born with this knowledge or these skills, and you do not have to feel bad or guilty for needing help. You need someone to rewire your brain, you currently have the brain of a fat person, you need a Skinny brain to be skinny.

Hiring Dr. Wright, the Skinny Coach, to help you with your weight loss will give you the support and education you need to succeed at your weight loss goals. In your skinny journey, you will have questions, you will make goals and commitments, and you will feel discouraged; it is during all of these times that having the Skinny Coach there anytime day or night, to help guide you through, that will ensure your success. You need help to rewire your brain and train you to think like a skinny person, you need to be trained to have correct eating habits, and you need to be taught the right foods for your body. Find out if you’re a sugar addict by taking this quiz or talk to Tiffany Wright, Skinny Coach, and see how she can coach you to success.

I ate sugar and can’t stop

I’m back!! I’m a Skinny Girl once again!! I’ve been lost for a long time, trying to do this on my own terms. Guess what? It didn’t work!

I started Online Living With Skinny today. I feel anxious, but it’s a good anxiety, a sense of urgency to stay with it. I’ve been off track for a long time (two years, give or take). I’ve been eating on-plan, for the most part, but I’ve also been eating off plan in between. Tiffany helped me come to a revelation today, after our first phone call, and my mind is racing with an understanding of why I’m in this predicament: I didn’t forget how to be on plan, I just got into a different habit. I trained myself to be “on plan but not always,” to be “on plan but cheating.” I’ve got to remember what it means to just be “ON PLAN.” No discussion, no bargaining, no negotiating. Just be Skinny. I am Skinny.

But I’m also impatient. Another thing that got me here was an “immediate gratification” mentality. I want what I want when I want it — which, up until today, was garbage food, right now. Not always, not all day — but every day, in some way. Today, I’m feeling a different kind if impatience — I want what I HAD, and I want it NOW. I reached rock-bottom again — I haven’t been here in 6 years. I don’t like it here; I want to get out. So, Tiffany reminded me that, starting today, starting right now, I AM as SKINNY GIRL. I think like a Skinny Girl, I eat like a Skinny Girl — so, really, I do have back what I had! The clothes don’t fit the same (yet), and I don’t have the energy and confidence and contentment I had (yet), but I’m a Skinny Girl once again, and that’s the best place to start.

The end result will come in time, as a delicious by product of living the Skinny Girl life. I am a skinny girl today. And I will get to that place where the clothes fit and the confidence comes by being a skinny girl every day. I know it will get easier and better with every day I am a Skinny Girl. I’m excited and giddy and ready to put in the work to change these bad habits back to good.

Stay Skinny!

Take advantage of an hour with Dr. Wright, the Skinny Coach, talking about YOUR weight story and underlying psychological issues. Schedule your appointment here!

Schedule a complementary Get Skinny Strategy Session:

Food Crisis – What to do when the cravings hit

The easiest part of any diet is the starting. The planning the food, the coaching, the gearing up; these are the moments that are fun and exciting. But, what about when you’ve been on the diet one or two days and you are hungry (or at least you think you are) and you’re ready to eat something BAD!

Imagine for a moment you’ve been on a healthy eating plan, like the Skinny Coach diet, and you’re feeling great, but you have just had a fight with your husband and suddenly, as if from nowhere you hear a small voice calling to you… “Eat me!!!” It’s the ice cream!!!! What do you do next?

  • Call your Skinny Coach
  • First off, what is the darn ice cream doing in the house still? And your husband or children want it is not a good reason! If you’re going to start a diet- REMOVE your temptations.
  • Remind yourself how happy you are that you’re finally doing something about your weight.
  • Refer to the journal in which you wrote all of the reasons you want to be thin.
  • Read, exercise, take a bath- divert your attention to something that will make you feel good, and that you can’t eat while doing
  • Eat your next meal of snack that is on your plan
  • Plan your meals for tomorrow
  • The Skinny Coach plan is based on a foundation that you are likely addicted to sugar and that you have tried doing diets on your own. That in the moment, if you were strong enough to resist you probably wouldn’t be fat, and that you may need someone to help walk you away from the edge. Tiffany Wright PhD, has been successfully coaching people through cravings since she lost 100 lbs. When you join the Skinny Coach Diet you will have access to Tiffany and her coaching anytime day or night- this is where the Doctor and her plan really shine.

    To get your first complimentary consultation click here to setup a time to speak with the Skinny Coach.

    5 Skinny Tips for Thanksgiving

    Poor Tiffany

    People always look at me in dismay when the issue of Thanksgiving comes up. They feel a deep sense of sadness for “Poor Tiffany, you know she doesn’t get to eat any pumpkin pie for dessert.” Sometimes people who have not known me as long are assured that I must indulge at least once a year for the holidays. I am happy to assure them that yes, I indulged for the holidays for years. Before Skinny Coach I had pumpkin pie, pecan pie, spiced nuts, mixed nuts, chunks of cheese…. I had stuffing and gravy and seconds and thirds, I had rolls and cranberry sauce and hot toddy and egg nog. Yes, I know how to indulge. Yes, I have indulged. Yes, I weighed well over 200 pounds.

    Now, I don’t eat, even one bite of pumpkin pie on Thanksgiving day and I am fine. I have had enough pumpkin pie. I have had so much pumpkin pie over the years of my fat life that I can actually remember the taste. I had enough pumpkin pie. Now I have skinny. Now I don’t have to unbutton my pants after Thanksgiving dinner. Now, I can go for a walk while everyone else is comatose in front of the TV. Now, I am not too tired to get up the next day. Now I am not upset about how much I ate or disgusted by my failed attempts to only have one serving. Now, I can wake up the next morning for the big shopping day and slip into my skinny jeans and have a quick Skinny Coach smoothie and go shopping.

    Do I feel sorry for myself? No.

    Yes, the stuffing and pie all look and smell yummy, but I just don’t eat that anymore and in exchange I get to be skinny. I have had enough pumpkin pie, I am trying skinny now.

    Skinny Girl Thanksgiving Dinner
    Holiday Spiced Brown Rice
    Spinach Salad
    Roasted Cauliflower

    If you would like 5 Skinny Tips for Thanksgiving dinner write me.

    I lost 20 pounds! on the Skinny Coach Program

    1. My recent 20lb weight loss over the last month has been great especially when I can see a very real change in how my clothes fit, markedly decreased swelling in my feet and ankles, and much lower blood pressure.

    2. My food bill is much less now while cooking at home compared to eating in restaurants and drive-thrus all the time.

    3. By avoiding flour and sugar completely, and pre planning my meals I have had no serious cravings, no suffering/deprivation/ white-knuckling.

    Take advantage of an hour with Dr. Wright, the Skinny Coach, talking about YOUR weight story and underlying psychological issues. Schedule your appointment here!

    Schedule a complementary Get Skinny Strategy Session:

    How Rachael Handled the Bake Sale

    I am feeling exceptionally good this morning and feel like writing, a month into maintenance after dropping a cool 51 lbs this year. It is the day after the big AYSO Picnic in the Park event with which I was very involved this year – soccer tournament and kids carnival – long hours in the sun, lots of physical activity, kids running wild, you get the picture.

    On this day, day 198 on plan, it was there I found myself pushing my hand-truck of boxes past sponsor booths, games booths and the dreaded FOOD booth, breathing the savory aroma of fresh pizza, subway sandwiches, chips and chilled juice boxes. Not one other bite, I repeated to myself, you’ve eaten all this before and really, where did it get you?

    Next up, the catering booths – tacos, bacon wrapped hot dogs, I don’t know what else but again, armed with my mantra, I turned aside, hell-bent on my mission to get to the end of the field with NOT ONE OTHER BITE.

    And just as I rounded the last row, I peeked to my right and there I saw it, a booth so crowded it’s 6 foot tables were completely obscured by kids and parents jockeying for position, thrusting their tickets at the volunteers with requests I could barely make out over the noise. Slowly I glanced up at the banner hanging from the easy-up canopy and like a lighthouse beacon calling out to a lost ship I saw it …. BAKE SALE!…BAKE SALE!….BAKE SALE!

    Slowly and with great caution I approached the far side of the booth, for I had to pass this way in order to deliver my crates of supplies. Eyes forward, I stole a glance at the plates and platters piled high with… with….well, I won’t torture you longer with my ranting and raving. Suffice it to say, if it went in an oven and had frosting – it was on that table!

    BUT, relying on what I learned from my 10 months of training with Tiffany (and the fact that without tickets, you could not buy food and I purposely left all my money in my car so as to make it terribly inconvenience to buy tickets), head held high, teeth gritted against the onslaught of “treats for sale, help raise money to help your kids!” I soldiered onwards, sailing past the Bake Sale booth and down to the field of carnival games and team photos, safe in the knowledge that having passed this way the first time without incident, it would be that much easier for the remainder of the day to continue to do so.

    And it was.

    By the end of a 13 hour day, having eaten my own packed lunch of 4 oz turkey burger patty, half avocado, cup of carrots and tomatoes and 10 mary gone’s, I can say, with only slight hesitation (as we know, this journey is an ongoing one) I GET IT.

    Thanks! Rachael

    For the New Year, What is Your Dress Size Going to Be?

    The season of eating has ended. From Halloween candy corn to New Year’s Eve egg nog, we had Christmas and Hanukkah feasts and many parties in between – and that means weight gain. I have the solution at the end of this blog… Long term studies have shown that we gain a large proportion of our yearly weight gain over the holiday season, and more importantly that weight is NOT lost during the rest of the year. Magazine article, after blog entry, after nutritionist tip will tell you: 1) exercise more 2) drink less 3) eat less 4) try these low-calorie, low-fat (yucky) recipes 5) focus on socializing If anyone could follow these tips they would not be gaining weight over the holidays. If you gained weight last holiday season, if you gained weight during the 2015 holiday season, and the 2016 festivities… you probably can’t exercise more, drink less, eat less and focus on socializing – OR YOU WOULD HAVE. During the Skinny Coach Get Skinny For the Holiday – a special group of 7 women started the SKINNY COACH SOLUTION DIET and together they lost over 100 pounds by the New Year (check them out). RIGHT NOW you can be part of the Get Skinny for the New Year Group — How much will you lose after New Year’s Day? skinnycoach-black-dress

    Which Dress will you be wearing after New Year’s Day?

    This year don’t gain weight… AND don’t disappoint yourself with another broken New Year’s resolution, but actually get control over your eating and turn your belly fat into belly flat! Email me or give me a call (310) 633-1333 – space is limited.

    Can you travel and be skinny?

    Insight into the mind of successful Skinny Coach program followers. Lots of people travel, it is part of life. I have traveled for 20 years following plan perfectly and so have many others. Before you travel you might think it is impossible but Shane details his traveling experience, which was not easy, and how he managed to stay perfectly on plan.

    A trip to Disneyworld in Orlando had been planned for months. Driving there was our choice. 2 days would be the time to arrive at our destination, stopping in Pensacola on our first day.

    I had started my new diet with my Skinny Coach just short of a month prior to our trip. I knew I needed to do some major league planning to stick to my plan. We decided to purchase a big Yeti cooler, which was an early Father’s Day present. That was the smartest thing we did for the trip.

    A few days before leaving, I made several days of meals that included all of my foods in one meal (ground turkey, brown rice & black beans, tomatoes, onions, & carrots – sort of chili). Carrots, celery, apples, tuna in packets, precooked brown rice, plain Greek yogurt, cottage cheese & Mary Gone Crackers were all stocked up for the next few days. I knew that as long as I had the appropriate food available I would be fine.

    The 2 days driving there was rather easy. I had even premade some pancakes for the 1st day breakfast, since I needed something easy to eat in the car that I didn’t need to heat up, like some scrambled eggs. Of course, my pancakes are only made of eggs, banana, & cinnamon, perfect part of my breakfast. Even with my wife & kids stopping for lunch at a deli, I stuck to my premade meal & had some unsweetened iced green tea, as they ate.

    A hotel suite that included a kitchen (including stove, microwave, frig/freezer) was a priority for us while in Orlando. I found a grocery store & stocked up on plenty of appropriate foods for the 2nd phase of our trip & the road trip back home. I made some hamburgers & quinoa. This along with some cucumbers, carrots, & tomatoes filled out my meals. Some frozen blueberries added to yogurt completed my nighttime snacks. As I continued to think ahead, I was confident I would stay with my plan even with junk food at every turn of Disney. You could not hide your eyes from someone eating ice cream, drinking soda or an icee. After being on the plan for a month, I did not feel tempted by these fattening foods. The amount of foods in my meals on this plan have always kept me satisfied. I never skip meals because I know this may cause some undesirable cravings to appear.

    One day at Disney, my wife & kids decided they wanted to stay late for the fireworks. We had previously chose the day after to stay late. I was not as prepared with food in my backpack for this occasion. For the next several hours as we walked around from ride to ride, I analyzed the restaurants in Disney to find something appropriate for my dinner. Luckily, I found a place that served some fajitas, black beans, & had a self-serve section with fresh pico de gallo. I loaded up 2 cups of the pico to satisfy my vegetables. This was the mostly stressful time on my vacation, but I endured. This taught me a lesson about planning for the unexpected.

    Since I premade some meals, the road trip home was seamless. I ate mainly out of our cooler.

    I looked at my experience of being around so much sugar & flour as a way to continually strengthen my nervous system away from
    any pull toward sugar. I purposefully have been putting myself in situations where I am exposed to many possible food triggers. I knew I cannot live my life in a bubble.

    Shane Howell

    Take advantage of an hour with Dr. Wright, the Skinny Coach, talking about YOUR weight story and underlying psychological issues. Schedule your appointment here!

    Schedule a complementary Get Skinny Strategy Session:

    9+ Reasons Why Being Overweight is a Nightmare

    Being overweight is a nightmare. Let’s see…where to start:

    • What can I wear today?
    • Nothing fits
    • Reading diet books
    • Browsing diet articles
    • Starting fads
    • Quitting fads
    • Cutting out carbs
    • Cutting out sweets
    • Not being able to move the way you like
    • Being a bad example to your kids
    • Avoiding bathing suits

    Just worrying about it all the time – the mental energy can be overwhelming and very time consuming. One of the most difficult parts of dealing with long-term weight issues is feeling like nothing is going to work because nothing has. The thing to remember is nothing has worked yet.

    If it was possible to read a book and follow a diet and lose weight permanently, then two-thirds of Americans would not be overweight. It is critical to re-wire the thinking process. You have to LEARN how to be a thin person. Now, think about that. If you had a brain that could stay on a good eating plan, you would have done that by now. That is why you have to be taught!

    As a Skinny Coach, I teach people how to incorporate daily skills and cognitive behavioral techniques to literally change the way their brain is wired so that they simply become a person who eats like a Skinny Girl. It becomes second nature. It is not easy – my Skinny Girls write to me everyday, they commit their menus for the next day, they call me everyday to check in and we discuss struggles, ideas and strategies.

    The reason nothing has ever worked is because it takes more than a good diet. It takes learning to think, learning the language and learning the thoughts of a Skinny Girl. A coach, a mentor, a support person, a teacher – whatever you want to call me – I am here DAILY to guide you in your journey to learn what you didn’t as a child – how to eat well, how to enjoy food, how to be thin and how to LIVE as a Skinny Girl.

    If you think you might like to have the kind of support and guidance that I offer, then why don’t you schedule a call with me and we can talk.

    Schedule a call here:

    Take advantage of an hour with Dr. Wright, the Skinny Coach, talking about YOUR weight story and underlying psychological issues. Schedule your appointment here!

    Schedule a complementary Get Skinny Strategy Session:

    My mom is in surgery

    I am sitting in the hospital and am amazed at the number of severely obese and overweight people. The surgery board is full of weight-related surgeries. I wonder what percent of surgeries are the consequence of people not being able to control what they put in their mouth? 100%? 90%? 10%? What do you think?

    If you are over 45 years old, like I am, I am sure thoughts of health are becoming more relevant than issues of looks and vanity. The CDC says all overweight people compared to normal weight people are at an increase for “All causes of death.” ALL! Lets see – high blood pressure (meds until death), high cholesterol (meds until death), type 2 diabetes (meds until death), stroke (physical and mental disabilities until death), gallbladder disease, osteoarthritis, sleep apnea, cancer, low quality of life, mental illness and body pain.

    The Skinny Coach Solution is not only a good, healthy diet that has been recommended by many medical doctors, it offers the psychological support and emotional support to change your patterns by changing your brain. It really doesn’t matter how many diets you have tried, you have not tried one like this because it does not exist.

    If you commit to being skinny, healthy and in control, then I as your Skinny Coach will be here for you to help you along the way. Every day we work together to keep you on the right path mental and physically. Sign up for a complimentary consultation and we can talk about what is going on with you and why you have struggled before. Most importantly, I can tell you what you can do now to change your health forever.


    Do you need someone to hold your hand, to help you through the tough moments?

    The Skinny Coach does not focus solely on diet and exercise, she teaches you the principles of behavioral modification through cognitive behavioral therapy so that you can overcome the psychological barriers to losing weight. Bottom line, if you can do it on your own – GREAT, but many people need more help. Just like you have a teacher to teach you to do math, or your mother to mentor you on how to cook, or a trainer to get you to and teach you how to do the right exercises – the Skinny Coach, can teach you to be a Skinny Girl. Together, everyday, you and the Skinny Coach plan your menu for the next day, commit to eating the right foods and instill EVERYDAY – the why…. Do you want to know why? – because if you eat what you decide today and don’t take one other bite, then you will lose the weight, you will be able to wear those clothes again, you will lower your cholesterol, you will be a Skinny Girl.

    Listen she knows it is hard. She struggled for years to lose weight. Tiffany tried everything, just like every other testimony on the internet, the difference is, she has a Ph.D. in Psychology, she lost 100 pounds, she knows abstinence is the only answer and she is there EVERYDAY to help you – no one else offers that. Why? Because in order to be there for her Skinny Girls everyday, she can only work with a few people at a time. Believe you me, that is what it takes, someone you can call everyday, anytime you want to help you through those difficult moments.

    If you closed your eyes and thought about what you actually need, what would help you stay on a diet permanently – and you think it is someone to hold your hand and be there through the hard moments to say, “SNAP OUT OF IT!” then she is your answer. Take the Sugar Addiction Quiz and schedule a talk with Tiffany RIGHT NOW!

    Take the Skinny Coach quiz and the
    Skinny Coach will call you with the results.