If you’re like most people, you have tried more diets than you can count. Additionally, you have likely tried them and failed- whether you lost weight immediately or not- you weigh the same now, or more than you did before the diet. Why can’t you keep the weight off?
Weight Watchers: It’s all about moderation! That’s rubbish! If you could moderate, you would. If you could moderate you would be just like all of the millions of thin people in the world. You’re not confused. You know when you eat a cheeseburger, fries and a coke that you are contributing to your fat self. Counting calories will work in the short term- but once you get bored putting your calories in your phone all day, every day, you’ll go back to eating how you did before. There is no change here.
Jenny Craig: This one is obvious. They provide you with the frozen premade food (ick) and they charge you a ton of money for it. This is obviously not a sustainable method to lose weight. You can’t realistically spend hundreds of dollars on premade food for the rest of your life. You also can’t assume you’ll always be eating alone or at home- you have to have a life. So this diet will only work as long as you get their meals- and then you’ll gain the weight back as soon as you start eating your own food. You haven’t learned any skills, you haven’t discovered any new ways of eating.
Atkins: The principles of Atkins are not all bad. The idea of cutting out bad carbohydrates is great. If you’re eating dirty carbs, you’re really eating sugar and that ultimately will make you fat. But good grains, like brown rice, quinoa, or millet will give you necessary fiber and energy that will help you lose weight and maintain your health. Giving up all carbs, and eating fat with wild abandon will make you fat. Physically you may see results immediately, but ultimately, this is not sustainable method because this is not how our bodies are made to work.
If you’re interested in a diet that will work. Where you learn the skills to make your own food, and have a healthy life. To never count calories again, and not give up half the food pyramid, click here to take the Skinny quiz and find out the right way for you to lose weight.