Category Archives: Happiness

Are you tired of the word “lifestyle change?”

“It’s not about starting another diet, it’s about making a lifestyle change!” Lifestyle is the buzz word right now as people are becoming painfully aware that diets have a dark and dirty under belly. Unfortunately, while we may hear it every day it doesn’t change the fact that when you wake up tomorrow, and start eating 1200 calories a day and exercising like Peyton Manning you feel like you’re on a DIET.

Allow me to clarify what the difference between another diet and having a true and meaningful lifestyle change. Your body has been on one diet or another since you were born. Whether it was the ‘junk food diet’, the ‘I’m in college and eat Top Ramen diet’, or the ‘I’m pregnant, step away slowly diet’; either way it’s a diet. It’s a conscious decision to eat a certain way every day- that literally is all a diet is. Think for a moment the first time you tried something; for instance, your favorite ice cream- once you started eating that ice cream, once you realized you liked it and it made you feel good, you started eating that food repeatedly. Therefore, making that ice cream a part of your diet. Once the ice cream became a regular part of your diet, it became a lifestyle change in which you now eat ice cream almost every day. You can see through this chain of thinking – a diet decision became a lifestyle change before your very eyes.

Of course, that leads to the next thought- which is how can I make healthy food that will make me thin, healthy and happy a lifestyle change. There is good news and bad news. Our brain is very clear about what it desires, if you consume something that rewards your pleasure center you will crave that thing… Potentially a lot. That’s the bad news. The good news is that you can train your brain that healthy food, while it may not light up your pleasure center right away, still makes you feel good and right. If you eat good wholesome food every day, and you never get stomach aches or bloats from rich food, or indigestion from fatty or greasy food, and you feel light and energetic, your brain will get that message. That means that you are always speaking with your brain, you are constantly trying to communicate. If you tell your brain and body that the best you can do is light up that reward center- it will take what it can get. But if you tell your brain that these certain foods can make you clearer, give you less headaches, and allow you to be at your best- your brain will hear you!

So the truth of the matter is that everyone starts a ‘diet.’ You can’t escape it, if you are eating in a way that is making your fat and sick today, you will have to start a diet if you want to be thin, and healthy- there’s no trick. But once you start that diet, once you (and your brain) really believe that this diet food is rewarding and making you feel good- you will start to crave good food!! Believe me, today I crave yummy creamy yogurt with cooked apples and cinnamon- and my brain believes me!

If you’re ready to start the diet, that will lead to the lifestyle; that will make you thin, healthy and incredibly happy take my SKINNY COACH QUIZ today!

9 Things You Could Say If You Were Thin

I’ve been in this business almost a decade and I have heard countless success comments. Here are some of those moments of sheer happy success. Allow yourself to feel how these thoughts would make you feel.

“My wedding ring fits just right.”
“I love running around the playground with my kids.”
“People are always telling me how good my skin looks.”
“I’m skinny.”
“I can wear whatever I’d like.”
“I never feel guilty from the foods I eat.”
“I’ll be alive to see my grandkids graduate.”
“I like sex again.”
“I feel like I can do anything now!”

For a free consultation that will likely be your first step to these comments being your own, click here!

For the New Year, What is Your Dress Size Going to Be?

The season of eating has ended. From Halloween candy corn to New Year’s Eve egg nog, we had Christmas and Hanukkah feasts and many parties in between – and that means weight gain. I have the solution at the end of this blog… Long term studies have shown that we gain a large proportion of our yearly weight gain over the holiday season, and more importantly that weight is NOT lost during the rest of the year. Magazine article, after blog entry, after nutritionist tip will tell you: 1) exercise more 2) drink less 3) eat less 4) try these low-calorie, low-fat (yucky) recipes 5) focus on socializing If anyone could follow these tips they would not be gaining weight over the holidays. If you gained weight last holiday season, if you gained weight during the 2015 holiday season, and the 2016 festivities… you probably can’t exercise more, drink less, eat less and focus on socializing – OR YOU WOULD HAVE. During the Skinny Coach Get Skinny For the Holiday – a special group of 7 women started the SKINNY COACH SOLUTION DIET and together they lost over 100 pounds by the New Year (check them out). RIGHT NOW you can be part of the Get Skinny for the New Year Group — How much will you lose after New Year’s Day? skinnycoach-black-dress

Which Dress will you be wearing after New Year’s Day?

This year don’t gain weight… AND don’t disappoint yourself with another broken New Year’s resolution, but actually get control over your eating and turn your belly fat into belly flat! Email me or give me a call (310) 633-1333 – space is limited.

9+ Reasons Why Being Overweight is a Nightmare

Being overweight is a nightmare. Let’s see…where to start:

• What can I wear today?
• Nothing fits
• Reading diet books
• Browsing diet articles
• Starting fads
• Quitting fads
• Cutting out carbs
• Cutting out sweets
• Not being able to move the way you like
• Being a bad example to your kids
• Avoiding bathing suits

Just worrying about it all the time – the mental energy can be overwhelming and very time consuming. One of the most difficult parts of dealing with long-term weight issues is feeling like nothing is going to work because nothing has. The thing to remember is nothing has worked yet.

If it was possible to read a book and follow a diet and lose weight permanently, then two-thirds of Americans would not be overweight. It is critical to re-wire the thinking process. You have to LEARN how to be a thin person. Now, think about that. If you had a brain that could stay on a good eating plan, you would have done that by now. That is why you have to be taught!

As a Skinny Coach, I teach people how to incorporate daily skills and cognitive behavioral techniques to literally change the way their brain is wired so that they simply become a person who eats like a Skinny Girl. It becomes second nature. It is not easy – my Skinny Girls write to me everyday, they commit their menus for the next day, they call me everyday to check in and we discuss struggles, ideas and strategies.

The reason nothing has ever worked is because it takes more than a good diet. It takes learning to think, learning the language and learning the thoughts of a Skinny Girl. A coach, a mentor, a support person, a teacher – whatever you want to call me – I am here DAILY to guide you in your journey to learn what you didn’t as a child – how to eat well, how to enjoy food, how to be thin and how to LIVE as a Skinny Girl.

If you think you might like to have the kind of support and guidance that I offer, then why don’t you schedule a call with me and we can talk.

Schedule a call here:

Take advantage of an hour with Dr. Wright, the Skinny Coach, talking about YOUR weight story and underlying psychological issues. Schedule your appointment here!

Schedule a complementary Get Skinny Strategy Session:


Do you need someone to hold your hand, to help you through the tough moments?

The Skinny Coach does not focus solely on diet and exercise, she teaches you the principles of behavioral modification through cognitive behavioral therapy so that you can overcome the psychological barriers to losing weight. Bottom line, if you can do it on your own – GREAT, but many people need more help. Just like you have a teacher to teach you to do math, or your mother to mentor you on how to cook, or a trainer to get you to and teach you how to do the right exercises – the Skinny Coach, can teach you to be a Skinny Girl. Together, everyday, you and the Skinny Coach plan your menu for the next day, commit to eating the right foods and instill EVERYDAY – the why…. Do you want to know why? – because if you eat what you decide today and don’t take one other bite, then you will lose the weight, you will be able to wear those clothes again, you will lower your cholesterol, you will be a Skinny Girl.

Listen she knows it is hard. She struggled for years to lose weight. Tiffany tried everything, just like every other testimony on the internet, the difference is, she has a Ph.D. in Psychology, she lost 100 pounds, she knows abstinence is the only answer and she is there EVERYDAY to help you – no one else offers that. Why? Because in order to be there for her Skinny Girls everyday, she can only work with a few people at a time. Believe you me, that is what it takes, someone you can call everyday, anytime you want to help you through those difficult moments.

If you closed your eyes and thought about what you actually need, what would help you stay on a diet permanently – and you think it is someone to hold your hand and be there through the hard moments to say, “SNAP OUT OF IT!” then she is your answer. Take the Sugar Addiction Quiz and schedule a talk with Tiffany RIGHT NOW!

Take the Skinny Coach quiz and the
Skinny Coach will call you with the results.

Happy New Life

How many years have you wasted talking about, thinking about, planning about, starting diets and failing at losing weight. At which point will you say – I have a problem, I am an addict. I know that food addiction is a difficult subject but when you cannot control what you put in your mouth then you are … by definition, out of control – you are a food addict. More specifically addicted to sugar. The diagnostic manual for psychological disorders has diagnosed food addiction as a true addiction NOT a eating disorder. Why? Because sugar triggers the same neural transmitters as other drugs, like cocaine and heroin. It feel really good and comforting to eat sugar. It makes us feel comforted and it makes us feel good.

If you are at a place where you can’t do it on your own – a place where you have tried everything and nothing has worked then you might be ready to submit and let go of the sugar. Bottom line, we can’t all do everything on our own, sometimes we need help. I have spent my life committed to helping sugar addicts become Skinny Girls. Experience, training and commitment is what the Skinny Coach Solution offers you. I know this sounds like a sales pitch but it is NOT. This program is only for the woman who can see she is addicted to sugar, the woman that can’t stop on her own – even though you can do anything you set your mind to – this one thing you can’t get a handle on – the Skinny Coach Solution is designed to do just that – get you in control and offer you freedom.

I love – love – love my holiday Skinny Girls – the women committed enough to say YES! I want to be a Skinny Girl in December. Not January, with everyone else but in December a YES – I want to be a Skinny Girl. I am here for you. If you want to commit to yourself, I will commit to you. As always, every year, I offer a Skinny Girl Holiday special. If you are ready to talk, take the Sugar Addiction Quiz and set an appointment.

You will not have lose weight as your New Years Eve resolution every again. You will be in a sexy black dress drinking a glass of champagne next New Years Eve, you will never again feel out of control.

4 Secret Costs of Being Fat

It’s no surprise that being overweight or obese has a negative effect on your health. From joint pain to diabetes, poor sleep to shorter life expectancy, being fat is just plain bad for you.

But did you know that being fat is costing you more than just your health? That extra weight is hurting your pocketbook and endangering your life in some unexpected ways, too.

1. Over-Priced for Over-Sized Clothes
If you’re an overweight woman, you probably struggle with self imagine issues. You don’t like the way you look and struggle to find clothes that fit. You might also notice that you’re paying more for clothes. Many stores charge as much as double for plus-sized versions of their normal sized clothes. Boutique stores catering to the huskier set can set their prices at astonishing levels, as the market for extra large clothing grows. In addition, these plus-sized options are often scaled incorrectly, leaving them too tight in the bust, too big in the hip and too short to be decent, meaning you’re paying extra for a worse product. And that’s if your favorite store even carries plus-sized clothing, at all! Recently, all the H&M locations in New York City removed their plus-sized sections to make room for home goods and told over-weight shoppers to take their business online. Target, too, offers only a minimal plus-sized department in store, directing their bigger customers to the website (with shipping costs included, of course). Wouldn’t you like to be able to purchase something off the rack and for a reasonable price?

2. Overweight and Underpaid
If you’re paying extra for plus-sized clothes, you should at least be getting paid more at work. But that is rarely the case. Overweight worker make less money, are less likely to get promotions or raises, and are less productive than their thin colleagues. This wage discrimination stems from fat people being seen as lazy and less disciplined. Overweight workers are less likely to be hired because they are seen as a drain on resources; their health care cost tend to be higher. In addition to the perception of plus-sized workers is the fact that obese people do miss more work than thin people, up to a week extra per year, due to illnesses and complications caused by their weight. So next time you’re passed over for that big promotion or you’re turned down for a job, ask yourself this: Is your fat holding you back?

3. More ass? More gas.
Overweight and obese drivers contend with another “fat tax” at the gas pump. Having 100 extra pounds in the car can decrease your car’s fuel efficiency by nearly 2%! That can add up to $30 extra dollars a year. Obviously, the more you weigh or the more you drive, those costs start to increase. In addition, bigger drivers want bigger car to comfortably get around. These cars get even worse gas mileage, costing you more in the long run. Can you afford to stay fat if gas prices go up?

4. Bigger driver, bigger danger
Paying more at the pump isn’t the only car issue your weight is cause: you are also more likely to die in an accident than a thin driver. Overweight drivers will sometimes skip the seat beat, as they are too uncomfortable. Even if you do buckle up, seat beats and airs bags are designed for average sized driver and are not as effective in protect overweight people. Crash test dummies used to test car safety haven’t change size since they were first used in testing, meaning auto-maker have no data when it comes to plus-sized drivers. Fat drivers are also at a higher risk for getting into accidents. Many overweight people suffer from sleep apnea, making it harder for them to get a restful night’s sleep which in turn makes them tired during the day. Studies have shown that drowsy drivers are just as dangerous as drunk driver. This deadly combination leaves just one question: Are you willing to take that kind of a risk with your life?

So knowing all this, what is your excuse for staying fat? It can’t be money; you’re losing more money by not losing the weight. The status quo is obviously more dangerous than the unknown. Why are you denying yourself the chance to be happy, healthy and wealth!

You owe it to yourself to take the first step toward being healthy. Become the Skinny Self you always knew you could be!

Money reality check

Thin, fit people make more money, we have known that for decades. A recent study in the Journal of Applied Psychology demonstrated that weight has a significant impact on a woman’s pay – the fatter you are the less money you make. In fact, skinny women make on average $22,000 more dollars per year than average-weight woman.

Now, before you get too upset, medical

research is also very clear, skinny women are healthier and live much longer lives than average-weight women. While it might not “be fair” and it might be discriminatory, it is certainly based on an assessment of what is healthy and not on an unrealistic or sick perversion of the female form.

I find this study particularly fascinating because I talk to women all the time that are desperate to lose weight, desperate to get skinny, know that the Skinny Coach diet will work and say they can’t afford it – they do not make enough money.

Maybe next time someone says that, instead of saying, “well, call when you are ready” or “you know losing weight will take years off your life” or “but you said you did not want to have sex with your husband because of your weight gain” or “but you said that you go to bed miserable every night and wake up and have nothing to wear,” or “but you were just told by your dr. that if you lost weight you would not have diabetes anymore” instead of all that, next time I hear “it costs too much” I will simply say that being fat can cost them $22,000 dollars a year!

If you are ready to get skinny. If you are ready to add years to your lifespan. If you are ready to want to get naked again. If you are ready to go to bed happy and wake up skinny with lots of things in your closet to wear. If you are ready to make more money – take the Skinny Coach quiz and we will make it all happen!

I would really appreciate your comments below. Ask me any diet related question or let me know what you would like to know more about.


If you read this article and could forward it to a friend you could really help them out.
Most importantly, if you are struggling and need help all you have to do is email me at and I’ll set up a complementary session with you to pinpoint your triggers and help you with ways to deal with them. You don’t have to struggle with your weight and health. I can help you.

Get Skinny!
Take the Skinny Coach quiz and the
Skinny Coach will call you with the results.

Please add me to your Facebook friends and I will send you the list of the 100 names of sugar and 1 tip to lose that belly fat.