How many years have you wasted talking about, thinking about, planning about, starting diets and failing at losing weight. At which point will you say – I have a problem, I am an addict. I know that food addiction is a difficult subject but when you cannot control what you put in your mouth then you are … by definition, out of control – you are a food addict. More specifically addicted to sugar. The diagnostic manual for psychological disorders has diagnosed food addiction as a true addiction NOT a eating disorder. Why? Because sugar triggers the same neural transmitters as other drugs, like cocaine and heroin. It feel really good and comforting to eat sugar. It makes us feel comforted and it makes us feel good.
If you are at a place where you can’t do it on your own – a place where you have tried everything and nothing has worked then you might be ready to submit and let go of the sugar. Bottom line, we can’t all do everything on our own, sometimes we need help. I have spent my life committed to helping sugar addicts become Skinny Girls. Experience, training and commitment is what the Skinny Coach Solution offers you. I know this sounds like a sales pitch but it is NOT. This program is only for the woman who can see she is addicted to sugar, the woman that can’t stop on her own – even though you can do anything you set your mind to – this one thing you can’t get a handle on – the Skinny Coach Solution is designed to do just that – get you in control and offer you freedom.
I love – love – love my holiday Skinny Girls – the women committed enough to say YES! I want to be a Skinny Girl in December. Not January, with everyone else but in December a YES – I want to be a Skinny Girl. I am here for you. If you want to commit to yourself, I will commit to you. As always, every year, I offer a Skinny Girl Holiday special. If you are ready to talk, take the Sugar Addiction Quiz and set an appointment.
You will not have lose weight as your New Years Eve resolution every again. You will be in a sexy black dress drinking a glass of champagne next New Years Eve, you will never again feel out of control.