Nothing has more of an impact on your health, mood and brain function than what you put in your mouth. But what is the major culprit for your depression, memory lapses, exhausted afternoons and inability to lose weight? Sugar, of course, and refined foods.
Let me explain why.
Refined foods cause a increase in blood-glucose levels. In response, the body releases insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas. Insulin signals the body to allow blood sugar to get into our cells and use it as fuel. If you eat refined foods, the body overreacts and produces too much insulin (remember we have not evolved to handle or eat refined foods, thus the health and condition of our bodies.) The overproduction of insulin drives our blood sugar too low and that causes memory problems, makes you feel like you are dragging and can cause headaches. Of course your body reacts to the low blood sugar and tries to correct by releasing hormones. These hormones raise your blood sugar but also signals your body to STORE FAT — ESPECIALLY AROUND THE BELLY. For another wonderful ironic twist of fate, it signals you to eat more because even though you just pigged out at lunch, your blood sugar is so low that your body thinks you need more food, so you become very hungry with a cravings for more refined foods. Have you noticed a difference between a nice omelette for breakfast vs. a donut? Or even NO breakfast vs. a bagel? With the donut and bagel you are hungry in two hours. But it gets even more ironic! A diet that causes your blood sugar to spike slows your metabolism down significantly. The effect works out to a difference of about 80 calories a day or 8 pounds a year.
Now you see why you can’t seem to lose that last 10, 20 or 100 pounds! Stay tuned to find out about the effects of refined foods on your memory, immune system and moods.
And in the meantime, don’t gain another pound. Call or email me to Get Skinny!
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