Afternoon slump? Spacing out? Have another cold? It’s the refined foods you are eating. It is not the stress, old age or even lack of sleep. Nothing has a bigger effect on your mood, memory and health than the food you put in your body. The brain and body is a biological engine and it runs on food.
The ups and downs of your blood sugar cause the ups and downs in your mood (mood SWINGS.) A meal high in sugar or refined foods raises the hormone insulin which raises blood glucose which gives you a shot of energy – but your energy drops just as quickly as it soars — leaving you feeling irritable, tired and lethargic. Worse yet, our bodies grow a tolerance toward the insulin spike, requiring more of those foods and a need to eat them more often in order to get the same energy boost – this leads women to eat more often to get the same high, which causes your body to store fat.
If you can’t seem to remember simple things like you used to or if you have difficulty concentrating or are feeling spacey lately, it is likely the result of your intake of refined foods. This happens because the brain depends on blood sugar for ALL of its energy and the longer that glucose stays in the bloodstream the less fuel the brain has to store memories. This effect gets worse with age and is not reversible.
Your immune system is also compromised by the spike in insulin caused by sugar intake. Some research suggests that the immune system can be compromised by up to 75% when you eat a moderate amount of sugar. Research demonstrates strong links between refined foods and asthma, heart disease, cancer, hypertension, and, of course, diabetes. This is due, in part, to the decreased ability of white blood cells to destroy bacteria when you eat sugar. The effect is immediate and last for up to 5 hours.
You should not be eating sugar or refined foods and neither should your children. Scientist are just now discovering just how detrimental these foods are to the human body because the damage has taken years to demonstrate. Refined foods became wildly popular in the 80’s with the widespread use of high fructose corn syrup and in the 80’s obesity rates were less than 10% – they are now over 60%. Cancer rate, obesity rate, Alzheimer, diabetes – they have all dramatically increased and the reason can be attributed almost entirely to diet.
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