Tag Archives: candy

Sugar is Not as Sweet as it Seems: Candy as a Kid Can Lead to Violence as an Adult

Britain have food a strong link between children who ate candy every day as a child and those who commit violent crime. They controlled for lifestyle, family income, parenting style and children’s level of education and sugar consumption remained a strong prediction of adult violence. The question is if this is due to something in sugar that increases aggressive behavior or if eating too many sweets is a sign of lack of discipline in childhood that later shows up as lack of impulse control. What do you think? I would love to hear your thoughts.

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Treats, treats and treats

It’s October again! The leaves are falling and the winds are changing and the fields are ready to yield their abundance. Horror movies and spooky decorations pop up all over. Ghosts haunt suburban yards and zombies lurk at the mall.

But sufferers of food addiction, October is scary for a different reason. Huge bags of candy line the shelves of nearly every store and bowls of chocolates adorn the desks of receptionists everywhere. Sticky, marshmallow-y popcorn balls and gooey, chewy caramel apples suddenly appear, as if by magic. Super sugary pumpkin spice everything rises once again from the grave.

It always starts innocently enough. You buy a bag of candy for trick-or-treater. Maybe you have a piece or two when you bring it home from the store. Then a couple after work. Soon, the bag is empty and its not even October 26th. You buy more; this time you’re going to control yourself. But by Halloween, the candy is gone and you’re feeling ashamed. Or maybe, even more embarrassingly, you’ve stolen candy from your own children’s little plastic pumpkins. You thought, “Just one piece can’t hurt.” And before you know what’s happened, all the candy is gone. Then the guilt and shame take over.

You feel like a junkie; hiding your habit from your friends and loved ones. You know its bad for you. You know you need to quit, but you just keep going. You satisfy your carvings, but this only feeds the monster of addiction. That’s scarier than any horror movie.

Just like an alcoholic or a drug addict, you can’t control the way that sugar affects your brain. If you had a heroin habit, you wouldn’t be able to just have SOME heroin. Abuse over the course of your life has made moderation impossible. If you could have just one piece of candy, you would. But sugar has changed the way your brain works.

You feel powerless over food and can’t control what goes into your mouth. You read diet books and look for tips online but always end up binging again. Your behavior is making your life unmanageable. But just like with other addictions, you don’t have to go it alone! There is help. If you can’t stop eating junk, no matter how hard you try; if you can’t change your habits, even though you know it’s killing you, maybe it’s time to get professional help.

The Skinny Coach will help you break the cycle of food addiction. You will no longer be a slave to candy and sweets. You can change the way you interact with food. You can save your life!

As an incentive to start today, take the Sugar Quiz and set up your free consultation with Tiffany, the Skinny Coach. Be sure to ask about the special pre-Halloween offer.