I am feeling exceptionally good this morning and feel like writing, a month into maintenance after dropping a cool 51 lbs this year. It is the day after the big AYSO Picnic in the Park event with which I was very involved this year – soccer tournament and kids carnival – long hours in the sun, lots of physical activity, kids running wild, you get the picture.
On this day, day 198 on plan, it was there I found myself pushing my hand-truck of boxes past sponsor booths, games booths and the dreaded FOOD booth, breathing the savory aroma of fresh pizza, subway sandwiches, chips and chilled juice boxes. Not one other bite, I repeated to myself, you’ve eaten all this before and really, where did it get you?
Next up, the catering booths – tacos, bacon wrapped hot dogs, I don’t know what else but again, armed with my mantra, I turned aside, hell-bent on my mission to get to the end of the field with NOT ONE OTHER BITE.
And just as I rounded the last row, I peeked to my right and there I saw it, a booth so crowded it’s 6 foot tables were completely obscured by kids and parents jockeying for position, thrusting their tickets at the volunteers with requests I could barely make out over the noise. Slowly I glanced up at the banner hanging from the easy-up canopy and like a lighthouse beacon calling out to a lost ship I saw it …. BAKE SALE!…BAKE SALE!….BAKE SALE!
Slowly and with great caution I approached the far side of the booth, for I had to pass this way in order to deliver my crates of supplies. Eyes forward, I stole a glance at the plates and platters piled high with… with….well, I won’t torture you longer with my ranting and raving. Suffice it to say, if it went in an oven and had frosting – it was on that table!
BUT, relying on what I learned from my 10 months of training with Tiffany (and the fact that without tickets, you could not buy food and I purposely left all my money in my car so as to make it terribly inconvenience to buy tickets), head held high, teeth gritted against the onslaught of “treats for sale, help raise money to help your kids!” I soldiered onwards, sailing past the Bake Sale booth and down to the field of carnival games and team photos, safe in the knowledge that having passed this way the first time without incident, it would be that much easier for the remainder of the day to continue to do so.
And it was.
By the end of a 13 hour day, having eaten my own packed lunch of 4 oz turkey burger patty, half avocado, cup of carrots and tomatoes and 10 mary gone’s, I can say, with only slight hesitation (as we know, this journey is an ongoing one) I GET IT.
Thanks! Rachael