Crash – and burn. All crash diets have the same result, eventually you crash and burn. Once you go back to the sugar, the flour and the overeating you will gain the weight back, and statistically, you are more likely to gain more than you lost and adding some.
Obviously people do these diets because they have quick results, and also because restrictive diets tend to be easier to follow. You know the rules and it is very clear what you can eat and what you cannot. The restrictiveness makes following the plan very easy in the short term and with the reward of fast weight loss- it is not wonder people keep falling for these get thin quick fixes.
Why do you gain the weight back and why do these diets only work in the short run? After some time, usually 10 days or so, sometimes longer, the lack of nutrients, vitamins and minerals that you need for the body to function causes your body to resist these types of diets. Your body adjusts to the changes and because it is missing so many key ingredients for a healthy functioning mind and body, your system goes on lock down and will store anything and everything it can in order to preserve itself. This of course slows down your metabolism and causes weight gain.
THE WORST PART and what most people don’t know or think about is when you lose weight you are losing both fat and muscle. The faster you lose- the more muscle you lose BUT, and this is so important, when you gain it back – which you will, you will gain back only fat. Therefore, even if you were the exact same weight as before you started, your body will have a much higher body fat index. You will be squishier, less strong and your clothes will not fit as well as they did before.
Think about this – would you rather lose weight fast even if it means losing wonderful, strong, beautiful muscle? Even if it means you lose pounds but not many inches, because fat takes up so much more space than muscle? I can’t imagine if anyone could see what diets like Keto do to the composition of your body, the strength of your body and the texture of your body that they would ever embark on these diets – it is ugly, unhealthy and unfortunately the muscle is lost forever.
If you are over 30 years old, you have to know that crash diets, like anything fast and easy, don’t work. I know the desperation involved in wanting and desperately longing to lose weight, but these crash diets are not the answer.
The Skinny Coach Program is healthy and simple and includes a change in the neural structures in your brain that make it EASY. You can fix this with so little effort, simply take the sugar and addiction quiz and schedule a call with me. I do these calls at no cost because I believe everyone should know what true healthy options are out there that will help you out of this vicious weight cycle.