Author Archives: tiffany

Menu Planning – How Important is it?

“I’m thankful for my struggle because without it I wouldn’t have stumbled across my strength.” – Alex Elle

Menu planning is everything. You might not want to make a food plan, but it is very important that you do it anyway.


When you don’t have a food plan and you want to lose weight, you REQUIRE yourself to use willpower.

The best way to make a healthy choice when you’ve had a bad day is with a menu plan. You’ve made a decision ahead of time to have your own best interest in mind.

Without a solid menu plan made ahead of time, you will have to FORCE yourself into doing what it takes to lose weight. And, you RISK taking the easy way out without a menu plan!

On those days everything seems to be going crazy, you’ll be so thankful you know what you are going to eat. It’s one less brick in the load!

Fat, Forgetful, Fatigued – FED UP?

Nothing has more of an impact on your health, mood and brain function than what you put in your mouth. But what is the major culprit for your depression, memory lapses, exhausted afternoons and inability to lose weight? Sugar, of course, and refined foods.

Let me explain why.

Refined foods cause a increase in blood-glucose levels. In response, the body releases insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas. Insulin signals the body to allow blood sugar to get into our cells and use it as fuel. If you eat refined foods, the body overreacts and produces too much insulin (remember we have not evolved to handle or eat refined foods, thus the health and condition of our bodies.) The overproduction of insulin drives our blood sugar too low and that causes memory problems, makes you feel like you are dragging and can cause headaches. Of course your body reacts to the low blood sugar and tries to correct by releasing hormones. These hormones raise your blood sugar but also signals your body to STORE FAT — ESPECIALLY AROUND THE BELLY. For another wonderful ironic twist of fate, it signals you to eat more because even though you just pigged out at lunch, your blood sugar is so low that your body thinks you need more food, so you become very hungry with a cravings for more refined foods. Have you noticed a difference between a nice omelette for breakfast vs. a donut? Or even NO breakfast vs. a bagel? With the donut and bagel you are hungry in two hours. But it gets even more ironic! A diet that causes your blood sugar to spike slows your metabolism down significantly. The effect works out to a difference of about 80 calories a day or 8 pounds a year.

Now you see why you can’t seem to lose that last 10, 20 or 100 pounds! Stay tuned to find out about the effects of refined foods on your memory, immune system and moods.

And in the meantime, don’t gain another pound. Call or email me to Get Skinny!

I would really appreciate your comments below. Ask me any diet related question or let me know what you would like to know more about.


If you read this article and could forward it to a friend you could really help them out.
Most importantly, if you are struggling and need help all you have to do is email me at and I’ll set up a complementary session with you to pinpoint your triggers and help you with ways to deal with them. You don’t have to struggle with your weight and health. I can help you.

Get Skinny!
Take the Skinny Coach quiz and the
Skinny Coach will call you with the results.

Please add me to your Facebook friends and I will send you the list of the 100 names of sugar and 1 tip to lose that belly fat.

Junk Food Rehab

Ernest Noble at UCLA has linked a dopamine receptor that is linked to alcohol, cocaine and nicotine addiction to refined carbohydrates as well. When I was 100 pounds overweight trying every possible diet and failing, I wish I had know that any diet that included refined carbs was guaranteed to fail me and keep me fat. It is like an alcoholic drinking occasionally –     PLEASE! It is well-known that abstinence is the only solution for addiction and guess what – food addiction is no different.

Most are still convinced that fat people lack willpower or that talking about food addiction is removing responsibility. It is not the case. Yes, once we know the solution we have to take responsibility and abstain from the drug of choice. But until recently, this was not an option because the information was not out there, and frankly it still isn’t. There are not many program options for compulsive overeaters. Skinny Coach is one, Overeaters Anonymous another – but the diet industry is still talking about moderation. MODERATE? Really? If I could moderate I would not have been 100 pounds overweight. If my Skinny Girls could moderate they would not have not been on the phone crying to me that they could not stand being out of control. If they could moderate, people would not hire me out of desperation because they need my help. If they could moderate they would have.

Skinny Coach is an option, Overeaters Anonymous is another, but the diet industry is still talking about moderation. MODERATE? Really? If I could moderate I would not have been 100 pouds overweight. I’m not the only one who struggles with that; I hear the stores from my Skinny Girls about feeling out-of-control. If people could moderate, would there be so many obese people in the U.S.? The difference is that I’ve found the solution.

Another lie the diet industry has everyone believing is that you have to have a little bit of everything or you will feel deprived. That is the one of the most childish claims I have heard. Only with food is this position espoused. No one can have everything that they want, and if they are mature they learn to live with limitations. Some people have physical handicaps; some people can’t live in the city or neighborhood that they want; some people can’t go to the college of their choice – and some people can’t eat whatever they want.

We now know that the brain of the food addict is predisposed to respond differently to refined foods due to dopamine receptor deficiencies. Eating the refined, addictive foods stimulate the release of neurotransmitters, dopamine and serotonin resulting in euphoria. The problem is the euphoria is short-term and tolerance builds, which leads to more weight gain and more out-of-control behavior. If your eating is out of control, if you are always starting a diet and eventually failing, if your pants no longer fit, if you are dreading the upcoming holidays because you have nothing to wear and you know you will gain another 10 pounds, if you are bloated, sick, tired and hopeless, you now have a solution. You have the answer now it; is a matter of taking responsibility. Denial is not an option anymore.

If you have questions or want to talk about whether you may have an unhealthy physical attachment to foods like sugar and flour please fill out the Skinny Coach quiz and I will call you for a free 1 hour nutritional consultation and tell you about the one easy, healthy secret that will help your lose belly fat.

I would really appreciate your comments below. Ask me any diet related question or let me know what you would like to know more about.


If you read this article and could forward it to a friend you could really help them out.
Most importantly, if you are struggling and need help all you have to do is email me at and I’ll set up a complementary session with you to pinpoint your triggers and help you with ways to deal with them. You don’t have to struggle with your weight and health. I can help you.

Get Skinny!
Take the Skinny Coach quiz and the
Skinny Coach will call you with the results.

Please add me to your Facebook friends and I will send you the list of the 100 names of sugar and 1 tip to lose that belly fat.

Skinny saves (you money!)

I help women lose weight and take control of what they put in their mouths. After a potential client has poured her heart out to me, cried, laughed and told me that she is ready to get skinny and that Skinny Coach is perfect for her, sometimes the next thing she says is “I can’t afford it.” Money is on everyone’s mind these days. Nevermind that McDonald’s stock went up 10% this quarter (they are “lovin’ it!”)

Economic hard times push people to eat cheaper food and what could be cheaper than the fast food dollar menus. Hard times also produce stress and stress leads people to self-medicate. The drugs of choice for many, when self-medicating, are sugar, fat and refined foods. But make no mistake about it, your health is your most important asset and being overweight taxes your health and life in so many ways; naming ALL of the costs of being overweight would make this a novel – not a blog entry. But some of the costliest, and most obvious side effects of being overweight include: overweight people are more likely to have diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease and stroke.

Being overweight not only burdens your health, it is a burden on your purse. What are some of the costs of being fat? Well, aside from the fact that eating more costs more, there are many other costs associated with being fat. If you are overweight you are less likely to get hired and once hired you will get paid less. In fact, fat people tend to make less money and accumulate less wealth in their shorter lifetimes than their skinny counterparts. It chips away at your earning power and efficiency – and happiness. There’s some research that suggests that overweight people are even less likely to be married and stay married.

I found this at:
Here’s how they add up the savings:

* Latte factor: $783
* Life insurance: $275
* Health insurance: $680
* Health-care costs: $151
* Employer incentives: $600

If you took these savings each year and invested them at 8%, in 20 years, you’d have almost $114,000. Do it for 30 years and it’s $282,000. 40 years gets you $645,000. This makes getting skinny pocket change. Can you really afford not to take care of your health and body? I say start saving money… it is your body and you deserve skinny.

I would really appreciate your comments below. Ask me any diet related question or let me know what you would like to know more about.


If you read this article and could forward it to a friend you could really help them out.
Most importantly, if you are struggling and need help all you have to do is email me at and I’ll set up a complementary session with you to pinpoint your triggers and help you with ways to deal with them. You don’t have to struggle with your weight and health. I can help you.

Get Skinny!
Take the Skinny Coach quiz and the
Skinny Coach will call you with the results.

Please add me to your Facebook friends and I will send you the list of the 100 names of sugar and 1 tip to lose that belly fat.

Becky’s Testimony

“Last weekend I had a yard sale and got rid of several sizes of clothing (and made a little money)–and now I’ve got a cleaned out closet and some new, skinny clothes!  The compliments just keep coming, and I feel so good.  Now when someone asks me if I miss such-and-such a food, I say, “Yes, but not as much as I like being skinny!”

Especially nice are the compliments from my often critical in-laws, who just can’t stop talking about how great I look.  My mother-in-law says that I’m prettier now than I was when I got married, and my father-in-law says I’m looking like a young woman.

I love success!  Thank you, Tiffany!”


HELP – I am having a craving for a Snickers

Listen, a desire is just a feeling. It will pass whether you act on it or not. As I have said a million times – NO MATTER WHAT – you are not giving into that urge. PERIOD. Maybe you will be a little uncomfortable…so what? It is also uncomfortable to overeat. It is also uncomfortable to unbutton your pants because they are too tight. It is uncomfortable to have heartburn from overeating. Craving a cookie, candy, ice cream, etc. is just a feeling and it will pass. Once you accept that it is ok to be uncomfortable, then we can move on to how to spend the time until that urge/craving/desire passes.

If you are eating The Skinny Coach way, then you will have enough protein, enough food, and feel content. But if you still have a craving…here are a few tips on how to stop sugar cravings:

-Do 10 jumping jacks
-Sing a song
-Call a friend
-Take a shower
-Run to the mailbox
-Scream to yourself, or out loud, NO! and every time your brain goes there again, scream NO!

Whatever you do, don’t give in! Every time you give in, you are teaching your brain that you are weak and have no power. Every time you control your behavior you LEARN; your brain learns to control itself; the cravings will disappear.

Deborah’s Testimony

“After going through a divorce and gaining 30 lbs. on top of being 20 lbs. overweight, finding the Skinny Coach was a gift from God.

After talking to Tiffany for 20 minutes, I knew I had to do this. I knew I had to change my eating habits drastically. After starting the diet, I have realized that food doesn’t control me anymore. That I am eating to live and not living to eat. Eating fast food and sweets does not enter my mind. (But I do feel like an alcoholic. That 1 bite would send me over the edge. I take one day at a time.). I know what I am going to eat and how much. I know I will not order a diet coke or buy them at the market. I know I can go out on a date or to dinner with friends and be okay with everyone having the delicious bread and a cocktail.”


Am I a Sugar Addict or Not?

Who hasn’t had a binge-eating episode? If you have not, then just shut down this email and go away because I hate you. Hehe.

Pretty much everyone has had a binge, but when it is due to addiction or to deal with some type of trauma, we have to start talking about ways to control it.

We have urges, and whether you want to admit it or not, you do have control over your eating urges. When you are in the food addiction circles on Facebook, it is very easy to fall into the ‘victim’ mentality. “I can’t control myself” or “I am addicted; it is out of my control” – NONSENSE. Of course you have control. It might be hard because you might be physiologically addicted to the substance, but, nevertheless, YOU are putting it in your mouth.

What you have control over is setting yourself up in a way that makes binging less likely. The way I did it was not eating anything with sugar or flour in the ingredients. I was not able to diet, not even for a day. I was overweight for decades. Nevertheless, at some point I decided no sugar or flour – NO MATTER WHAT – and just like that – even though I am addicted to sugar, I no longer eat it.

Pick a rule, any rule, and, no matter what, do not break that rule and, by the principles of neuroplasticity, you will no longer be out of control. Remember I am a sugar addict, but I don’t eat sugar. Am I a sugar addict or not?

3 best Skinny Girl recipes!

Chicken “Enchiladas”

3 oz. chicken breast, butterflied and sliced into 2 thin slices (you can ask your butcher to do this)
1/4 C. cottage cheese
1/2 C. each: whole Ortega chilies and spinach
Pinch each: garlic powder, salt and cumin
1/2 – 1 C. red or green enchilada sauce (Las Palmas or other sugar-free brand)
1 green onion, sliced thin
Non-stick cooking spray
1/2 C. Spanish rice
1/2 C. beans
1 C. salad

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Strain cottage cheese through a paper towel or coffee filter. Lay chicken slices out flat and pat dry. Mix cottage cheese with seasonings and spoon equal amounts onto each piece of chicken in a line. Cover cheese with chilies and spinach, and then roll chicken up. Place seam side down in a baking dish coated with spray and pour enchilada sauce over the top. Garnish with green onion and bake for 20-25 minutes. Serve with beans, rice and salad.

Skinny Snack

1/2 cup plain Greek yogurt
1/2 cup banana
1/2 cup peaches

Warm up banana and peaches in microwave. Add warmed up fruit to your yogurt. Top with cinnamon.

Great evening snack!

Cauliflower and Red Clam Sauce

2 x 10 oz. can minced clams, drained
3 cloves garlic, minced
1 medium onion, chopped
1 x 14.5 oz. can whole tomatoes
1 x 8 oz. can tomato sauce
1 x 6 oz. can tomato paste
2 bay leaves
1/2 T. fennel
1/4 T. cayenne
Broth/stock for cooking
A batch of mashed cauliflower

Saute the garlic and onions in a little broth until translucent. Mix the tomatoes, onion mixture, sauce, paste and spices in a blender and simmer for 20 minutes. Add the clams, stir and simmer for about 5 to 6 minutes. Serve over mashed cauliflower.

For more great tasty recipes-check out

Why Low Carb does not work

Don’t Eat Low Fat

Low-fat diets have officially been dismissed by all research evidence. Healthy fats actually promote weight loss, and some fats are good for the heart; eliminating them from the diet can cause problems.

Low Carb Diets DO NOT WORK

Eating carbohydrates — especially highly processed ones like white bread and white rice — quickly boosts blood sugar, which triggers an outpouring of insulin from the pancreas. The surge of insulin can rapidly drop blood sugar, causing hunger. Low-carb proponents claim that people who eat a lot of carbohydrates take in extra calories and gain weight. Limiting carbs in favor of protein and fat is supposed to prevent the insulin surge and make you feel full longer.

To make up for the lack of carbohydrates in the diet, the body mobilizes its own carbohydrate stores from liver and muscle tissue. In the process, the body also mobilizes water, meaning you are losing “water weight.” The result is rapid weight loss, but after a few months, weight loss tends to slow and reverse.

The American Heart Association cautions people against following the Atkins diet because it is too high in saturated fat and protein, which can be hard on the heart, kidneys, and bones. The lack of carb-rich fruits and vegetables is also no good, because eating these foods tends to lower the risk of stroke, dementia, and certain cancers.

Skinny Coach Diet: Healthy fats, Whole Grain Carbs and lots of Fruit and Veggies

Good fats found in olive oil, coconut oil and meat and fish are good for your brain, hair, skin and will help you lose weight. The carbohydrates in the Skinny Coach Diet come from unrefined, fiber-rich sources like quinoa, rice and beans and it is also rich in fruits and vegetables.

If you are ready for a great, healthy diet to lose weight FAST – fill out theSkinny Coach Quiz.

Food Crisis – What to do when the cravings hit

The easiest part of any diet is the starting. The planning the food, the coaching, the gearing up; these are the moments that are fun and exciting. But, what about when you’ve been on the diet one or two days and you are hungry (or at least you think you are) and you’re ready to eat something BAD!

Imagine for a moment you’ve been on a healthy eating plan, like the Skinny Coach diet, and you’re feeling great, but you have just had a fight with your husband and suddenly, as if from nowhere you hear a small voice calling to you… “Eat me!!!” It’s the ice cream!!!! What do you do next?

  • Call your Skinny Coach
  • First off, what is the darn ice cream doing in the house still? And your husband or children want it is not a good reason! If you’re going to start a diet- REMOVE your temptations.
  • Remind yourself how happy you are that you’re finally doing something about your weight.
  • Refer to the journal in which you wrote all of the reasons you want to be thin.
  • Read, exercise, take a bath- divert your attention to something that will make you feel good, and that you can’t eat while doing
  • Eat your next meal of snack that is on your plan
  • Plan your meals for tomorrow
  • The Skinny Coach plan is based on a foundation that you are likely addicted to sugar and that you have tried doing diets on your own. That in the moment, if you were strong enough to resist you probably wouldn’t be fat, and that you may need someone to help walk you away from the edge. Tiffany Wright PhD, has been successfully coaching people through cravings since she lost 100 lbs. When you join the Skinny Coach Diet you will have access to Tiffany and her coaching anytime day or night- this is where the Doctor and her plan really shine.

    To get your first complimentary consultation click here to setup a time to speak with the Skinny Coach.