Category Archives: Dieting


As the Skinny Coach and a Skinny Girl myself I don’t often offer advise on exercise. Why, because if you have your diet under control, if you can lose weight, then you are doing the best possible thing for your body and health. Exercise is good for your heart, your mood and your energy but has very little effect on weight loss and nothing will increase your health more than weight loss. With that said, when pressed, I do suggest cardioacceleration as the best and most efficient form of exercise. Basically what you do is a set of 12 reps with weights or on a weight machine then do a cardio move for 30 sec to one minute and then back to another set of 12 reps with weights. The most important rule is to constantly be moving. Go from your strength or weight move to your cardio move with no rest. If that seems to difficult then keep the cardio intensity low.
You will save time and dramatically improve fat burning. BUT, eating right will have more effect…


Do you need someone to hold your hand, to help you through the tough moments?

The Skinny Coach does not focus solely on diet and exercise, she teaches you the principles of behavioral modification through cognitive behavioral therapy so that you can overcome the psychological barriers to losing weight. Bottom line, if you can do it on your own – GREAT, but many people need more help. Just like you have a teacher to teach you to do math, or your mother to mentor you on how to cook, or a trainer to get you to and teach you how to do the right exercises – the Skinny Coach, can teach you to be a Skinny Girl. Together, everyday, you and the Skinny Coach plan your menu for the next day, commit to eating the right foods and instill EVERYDAY – the why…. Do you want to know why? – because if you eat what you decide today and don’t take one other bite, then you will lose the weight, you will be able to wear those clothes again, you will lower your cholesterol, you will be a Skinny Girl.

Listen she knows it is hard. She struggled for years to lose weight. Tiffany tried everything, just like every other testimony on the internet, the difference is, she has a Ph.D. in Psychology, she lost 100 pounds, she knows abstinence is the only answer and she is there EVERYDAY to help you – no one else offers that. Why? Because in order to be there for her Skinny Girls everyday, she can only work with a few people at a time. Believe you me, that is what it takes, someone you can call everyday, anytime you want to help you through those difficult moments.

If you closed your eyes and thought about what you actually need, what would help you stay on a diet permanently – and you think it is someone to hold your hand and be there through the hard moments to say, “SNAP OUT OF IT!” then she is your answer. Take the Sugar Addiction Quiz and schedule a talk with Tiffany RIGHT NOW!

Take the Skinny Coach quiz and the
Skinny Coach will call you with the results.

Do you have a brain disorder?

Finally, what a relief, it has finally been proven by 80 experts – 80 experts involving a four-year long process that addiction is not a social or moral problem but a brain problem. Food addiction is a neurological problem. Addiction has been treated as a result of emotional problems, a result of trauma, a result of low moral character – and that is why addiction treatment does not work.

After over 20 years of neuroscience research we know that addiction is rooted in the brain’s reward circuitry. Previous experiences with food trigger cravings and to repeat the process because this is the part of the brain that controls impulses and judgement and it damage is permanent. Controlling this “craving” is literally over riding your brain chemistry. Distortions of cognitive and emotional function lead to compulsive need to intake more sugar It is NOT A CHOICE.

What is a choice is getting help. What kind of help can fix the neurological circuitry of the brain that is damaged? One thing we know for sure is abstinence is necessary. The only way to rewire the neural circuitry of the brain is to stop triggering the reward system. I understand that is easier said than done, I did it 20 years ago and I work with people every day to teach them the skills necessary to achieve abstinence and RE WIRE the neural circuitry – to fix the underlying neurological issue. Through a system of cognitive behavioral therapy and behavioral modification techniques, along with daily talks with me, we can get you off of sugar, healthy and, of course, get the weight off. If you would like to know if you are addicted to sugar take the Sugar Addiction Quiz and you can have a complementary cognitive therapy session with me to get you started.

Why suffer another day – just take the quiz and we can talk.

Sign up for the Skinny Girl Diaries Newsletter:

Take the Skinny Coach quiz and the
Skinny Coach will call you with the results.

Weight Loss Confidential: Not all calories are created equal

For every 100 calories of carbohydrate you consume your body expends 5 to 10 calories in digestion, for fat calories even less. However, for every 100 calories of protein you consume, your body needs 20 to 30 calories to digest it.

AND it’s even more complicated…. Just because you eat these calories does not insure that they are being digested.

Normally as the calories go through your tummy and reach your small intestine most of the nutrients are absorbed. Fat is digested fairly well. Protein and all animal sources are also fairly digestible. Plant sources are the least digestible. What does that mean? complex carbs like vegetables and whole grains block the absorption of calories, including other calories! In fact, a very high fiber diet, like the Skinny Coach diet, can block up to 20% of the calories you consume. A research article in the Journal of Nutrition found that a high fiber diet leaves up to twice as many calories undigested as a low fiber diet.

If you want to lose weight, this is the hot tip: eat protein at every meal and consume at least 40 grams of fiber a day.

It took years for me to figure out why my skinny girls who eat so much food – lose so much weight so quickly. We know the answer now. Donna lost 21 pounds her first month and is still on the Skinny Coach diet over a year later! Go Skinny Go.

photo: Martin Cathrae/Creative Commons via flickr

I would really appreciate your comments below. Ask me any diet related question or let me know what you would like to know more about.


If you read this article and could forward it to a friend you could really help them out.
Most importantly, if you are struggling and need help all you have to do is email me at and I’ll set up a complementary session with you to pinpoint your triggers and help you with ways to deal with them. You don’t have to struggle with your weight and health. I can help you.

Get Skinny!
Take the Skinny Coach quiz and the
Skinny Coach will call you with the results.

Please add me to your Facebook friends and I will send you the list of the 100 names of sugar and 1 tip to lose that belly fat.


The word addiction carries a lot of preconceptions. Most of us, when we hear the dirty word “addiction,” we think of a degenerate in a dark alley. One might be surprised at how widespread addiction truly is. Let’s discuss the addiction of a less obvious nature- sugar.

The definition of addiction is “a state characterized by compulsive engagement in rewarding stimuli, despite adverse consequences.” Broader than you might have imagined, isn’t it? When an alcoholic is “diagnosed” they are considered an addict for life. Even once they are off the alcohol, the call themselves a recovering addict. The reason is because they know that if they consume alcohol they will not be able to stop consuming, even if it hurts them. You’ll also find the literature on alcoholics state that they have a “disease” and they cannot help their lack of control in that area.

Now let’s talk about an addiction that is closer to home. Sugar addiction. When you eat sugar it lights up the same part of the brain as cocaine. Additionally, you are flooded with serotonin and other “feel good” hormones. You therefore, continue to consume the sugar because of the wildly enjoyable rewarding feeling that comes after you consume the sweets. As you continue doing this, repeatedly, day after day, you begin to feel the adverse consequences. You are tired, lethargic, sickly, and FAT. And yet, as shocking as it may seem, you (and your fat body) walk to the kitchen to consume more of this sickening and fattening drug.

You are addicted to sugar. You consume sugar regardless of the adverse consequences you experience. You can’t stop yourself. You have the disease known as sugar addiction. Just like if you were addicted to crack or alcohol you truly can never consume sugar again. As soon as you do you will lose control again! People say that as soon as you admit to yourself that you have a problem you can begin the road to recovery. Start your road to recovery now.

If you eat sugar, and you cannot control your intake, and you keep eating it after it has made you lethargic and fat, you are addicted. Don’t worry, now that you know, you can get help.

Click here to take the Sugar Addiction Quiz.


“I love bread!” Oprah announces to the world on the newest Weight Watchers commercial. The shock heard round the world! Oprah who has publicly admitted to having a food addiction is off the wagon again. Most people had mixed feelings about seeing Oprah in the last place we expected to see our idol. Unfortunately, it’s not a surprise. Abstinence is hard and Oprah couldn’t pull it off (too bad she didn’t have the skinny coach!) As the shock from seeing her praising bread diminished, the relief of knowing that if Oprah is fat- it’s okay that I’m fat too replaced it.

The constant waves of dieting is a battle that every fat person knows well. First you try the moderation, then you try the tricks, then you try no carb or no fat… Sadly, you may lose a few pounds to begin with but almost always gain it back- plus a few more. Just like Oprah, you are trying to heal yourself through methods that simply don’t work! You know you have an addiction, so does Oprah. And any other addiction it would be obvious that you have to stay off the stuff you can’t’ control, and get help in doing so. People don’t sit in rehab alone; they are surrounded by coaches, therapists and people that give them the tools to stay off the drug.

We have to eat food, and therefore we have to abstain from specific things that we can’t control. To do this, you need help. If you could give up sugar on your own you would have! You know its sugar that’s making you fat- but you just can’t seem to stop yourself. Most people cannot (i.e. Oprah). That’s where having a coach or a mentor will help you succeed where you have failed before.

Don’t start another diet and fail. Admit you need to abstain and acquire the help you need to stay abstinent. Click here for a free consultation with the Skinny coach. Through behavioral modification and training you can free yourself from sugar forever!

Happy New Life

How many years have you wasted talking about, thinking about, planning about, starting diets and failing at losing weight. At which point will you say – I have a problem, I am an addict. I know that food addiction is a difficult subject but when you cannot control what you put in your mouth then you are … by definition, out of control – you are a food addict. More specifically addicted to sugar. The diagnostic manual for psychological disorders has diagnosed food addiction as a true addiction NOT a eating disorder. Why? Because sugar triggers the same neural transmitters as other drugs, like cocaine and heroin. It feel really good and comforting to eat sugar. It makes us feel comforted and it makes us feel good.

If you are at a place where you can’t do it on your own – a place where you have tried everything and nothing has worked then you might be ready to submit and let go of the sugar. Bottom line, we can’t all do everything on our own, sometimes we need help. I have spent my life committed to helping sugar addicts become Skinny Girls. Experience, training and commitment is what the Skinny Coach Solution offers you. I know this sounds like a sales pitch but it is NOT. This program is only for the woman who can see she is addicted to sugar, the woman that can’t stop on her own – even though you can do anything you set your mind to – this one thing you can’t get a handle on – the Skinny Coach Solution is designed to do just that – get you in control and offer you freedom.

I love – love – love my holiday Skinny Girls – the women committed enough to say YES! I want to be a Skinny Girl in December. Not January, with everyone else but in December a YES – I want to be a Skinny Girl. I am here for you. If you want to commit to yourself, I will commit to you. As always, every year, I offer a Skinny Girl Holiday special. If you are ready to talk, take the Sugar Addiction Quiz and set an appointment.

You will not have lose weight as your New Years Eve resolution every again. You will be in a sexy black dress drinking a glass of champagne next New Years Eve, you will never again feel out of control.

Do you watch TV and Eat?

You’re sitting on the couch and you’ve got your show all queued up. You immediately think “what am I going to eat?” Watching TV for most food addicts is what is known as a ‘trigger’ for their addictive activity (eating.) Alcoholics have triggers to drink, such as bars or certain people. Food addicts have triggers that are equally powerful and equally difficult to overcome. Often people think that the ability to only eat when you’re hungry and make healthy choices is simply an issue of willpower, but those people would be wrong. Sugar, one of the most highly addictive foods that a person can consume, actually stimulates the same part of your brain as cocaine; and not surprisingly leaves us with an insatiable need to feed that addiction.

This ‘power’ that food has can seem overwhelmingly and would leave anyone feeling helpless. In some ways you are powerless against sugar; of course, all of the foods that breakdown into sugar, such as, white flour. The major problem is that if you consume these foods, you will feel the need to consume more of them, and more, until you’re sick, tired and fat. The secondary problem is identifying where all of these sugars are! You would be shocked at all of the hidden places that you’ll find sugar, and the hidden names that sugar goes incognito under. The most surprising of all of these is the sugar, hidden under the name dextrose, in TABLE SALT!

I’ve now told you that sugar is as addictive as cocaine, and that once triggered you cannot control your food addiction, and finally that you likely won’t be able to find all of the hidden sugars in your food given they’re hiding under different names. That’s where the Skinny Coach Solution comes in; there is a way to free yourself from your addiction. Tiffany Wright, PhD, also known as the LA Skinny Coach, has spent her career helping people identify the foods that are making them fat and unhappy and then eliminate those foods. She uses a combination of intensive coaching, food planning and food elimination to help you succeed in rejecting your triggers and losing the weight that you’ve never been able to lose before. To find out if you are addicted to sugar take the Sugar Addiction Quiz or you can schedule a time to speak with the Skinny Coach directly.

If you’re interested in receiving a list of the hidden names of sugar take the Sugar Addiction Quiz and I will send you that list at no charge!

Are your friends fat?

Did you know that you are over 50% more likely to be overweight if your friends are overweight than if your parents are overweight? Even if the friend’s of your friends are over weight you are 20% more likely to be overweight. You are also more likely to be overweight if you live around fast food restaurants. Your environment is critical. By surrounding yourself with healthy food, healthy people and getting the junk food out of your houses, schools and work environment you are creating more opportunities for good healthy connections. If you would like to be a Skinny Girl and surround yourself with other Skinny Girls email me here for a free Skinny Girl session.

🙂 Tiffany