I talked to the most wonderful woman today and she told me she used to be able to do anything but now she can’t, “I just don’t have any willpower anymore.” I was sick to my stomach. There are so many bright, beautiful, talented women that are ruined because of their addiction to food. The problem is they think it is their fault. But it is not. A new study validates the current research that sugar and flour are addictive. In fact Oreos are as addictive as Cocaine.
Our pleasure center in our brain called the nucleus accumbens is activated by sugar in the same way it is by cocaine and morphine. In fact, many studies have shown that sugar is MORE addictive than either cocaine or morphine because it activates more cells in this area making it even more pleasurable.
This is not about willpower – it is about addiction.
I can help you – take the sugar addiction quiz and schedule an appointment with me and be free from your addiction and stop battling the bulge.