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tiffany wright, Ph.D. | +1 (310) 633-1333

With the
Skinny Coach Solution
you get:

Daily phone calls and emails

The Skinny Coach Solution book

Your 28-day Skinny Coach workbooks

Personal shopping list

Online food commitment

Monitored monthly weigh-ins

Expert advice and support

Membership into the Skinny Coach Solution forum to talk with other Skinny Coach skinny girls

Customized at-home exercise program

Bonus information and articles

Free admission to all seminars given by the Skinny Coach

The Skinny Coach Solution has everything you need to stop your cravings and lose weight quickly.

You will break the cycle of binge eating and obsession with diet and food. If you find yourself yo-yo dieting, plagued with negative thinking, emotional eating and addiction to sugar and flour, the Skinny Coach diet is your solution. With the Skinny Coach plan you will lose your cravings, follow a healthy diet plan and get skinny.

Skinny Coach Solution is a life-and-lifestyle-changing experience.

Tiffany Wright, Ph.D., The L.A. Skinny Coach will work with you on a daily basis. She teaches, guides, and coaches you to help you lose weight on the Skinny Coach diet. She will also personally assist you with understanding the relationship between your cravings and what you eat, guidance in meal planning and food shopping.

You will have weekly meetings, daily calls and emails to keep you on track and nearly unlimited access via cell phone.

In addition, you will have free membership to the Skinny Coach Solution forum to share your experiences with Skinny Girls from around the world.

How it works.

Fill out the Skinny Coach Quiz and the Skinny Coach will call you with your results. If you both decide that you are a good candidate for the Skinny Coach program we will schedule your first 2 hour meeting which can be via phone, ichat, skype or yahoo messenger. You will receive the Skinny Coach Solution book, your 28 day workbooks, which allow you to commit your food and provide motivational and inspirational quotes, as well as recipes and exercise and eating plan tips. During our meeting we will also go over through the Skinny Coach Solution book, plan our weekly meeting schedule, come up with 28 sample meals from what you like to eat, chart a grocery list and go over your Skinny Coach Solution practice.

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Take the Sugar Addiction Quiz and The Skinny Coach will call you with the results.

Take the Quiz

One-on-one weight-loss coaching with personal contact on a daily basis, and individualized support.

This is the last weight-loss self-help program you will ever need.

Get Skinny Now!

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