Tag Archives: control

Labor Day BBQ – YUMMY

Delicious baby back ribs drenched in BBQ sauce, creamy potato salad, HOT DOGS, homemade pie, beer, corn on the cob, coleslaw – it is all so wonderful – but deadly for the waistline.

The average amount of calories consumed at an outdoor BBQ feast hovers around 3000! …and that is if you are eating a normal amount of everything. If you really overeat, you could tip 7000 calories in one afternoon. No one wants to think about a diet during the Labor Day festivities, but try to at least keep the damage as low as possible.

Imagine if you had a burger and skipped the bun, cheese, mayo and sauces? You can taste the wonder of a beautifully grilled sirloin burger and save hundreds of calories. How would you feel Monday night if you declined the mayo-drenched coleslaw, potato and macaroni salad. What if you ate lots of sweet watermelon and peaches instead of pie and ice cream?

All celebrations are a challenge when it comes to moderating our eating, so if you don’t succeed, Don’t fret! Tuesday morning, Skinny Coach will help you achieve your summer dreams. To celebrate Labor Day, I am offering a special so that you can finally be done with your weight issues. Next Labor Day you will be wearing a bikini or a cute little summer dress.

If you promised yourself that you would lose weight this summer and you gained another 5 pounds instead, then enjoy your BBQ on Monday and be on the look out Tuesday for the answer to your weight loss prayers. If you would like to end the summer with a plan to lose weight, get more energy and boost your mood, then stay tuned.


The word addiction carries a lot of preconceptions. Most of us, when we hear the dirty word “addiction,” we think of a degenerate in a dark alley. One might be surprised at how widespread addiction truly is. Let’s discuss the addiction of a less obvious nature- sugar.

The definition of addiction is “a state characterized by compulsive engagement in rewarding stimuli, despite adverse consequences.” Broader than you might have imagined, isn’t it? When an alcoholic is “diagnosed” they are considered an addict for life. Even once they are off the alcohol, the call themselves a recovering addict. The reason is because they know that if they consume alcohol they will not be able to stop consuming, even if it hurts them. You’ll also find the literature on alcoholics state that they have a “disease” and they cannot help their lack of control in that area.

Now let’s talk about an addiction that is closer to home. Sugar addiction. When you eat sugar it lights up the same part of the brain as cocaine. Additionally, you are flooded with serotonin and other “feel good” hormones. You therefore, continue to consume the sugar because of the wildly enjoyable rewarding feeling that comes after you consume the sweets. As you continue doing this, repeatedly, day after day, you begin to feel the adverse consequences. You are tired, lethargic, sickly, and FAT. And yet, as shocking as it may seem, you (and your fat body) walk to the kitchen to consume more of this sickening and fattening drug.

You are addicted to sugar. You consume sugar regardless of the adverse consequences you experience. You can’t stop yourself. You have the disease known as sugar addiction. Just like if you were addicted to crack or alcohol you truly can never consume sugar again. As soon as you do you will lose control again! People say that as soon as you admit to yourself that you have a problem you can begin the road to recovery. Start your road to recovery now.

If you eat sugar, and you cannot control your intake, and you keep eating it after it has made you lethargic and fat, you are addicted. Don’t worry, now that you know, you can get help.

Click here to take the Sugar Addiction Quiz.