Tag Archives: addict

Junk Food Rehab

Ernest Noble at UCLA has linked a dopamine receptor that is linked to alcohol, cocaine and nicotine addiction to refined carbohydrates as well. When I was 100 pounds overweight trying every possible diet and failing, I wish I had know that any diet that included refined carbs was guaranteed to fail me and keep me fat. It is like an alcoholic drinking occasionally –     PLEASE! It is well-known that abstinence is the only solution for addiction and guess what – food addiction is no different.

Most are still convinced that fat people lack willpower or that talking about food addiction is removing responsibility. It is not the case. Yes, once we know the solution we have to take responsibility and abstain from the drug of choice. But until recently, this was not an option because the information was not out there, and frankly it still isn’t. There are not many program options for compulsive overeaters. Skinny Coach is one, Overeaters Anonymous another – but the diet industry is still talking about moderation. MODERATE? Really? If I could moderate I would not have been 100 pounds overweight. If my Skinny Girls could moderate they would not have not been on the phone crying to me that they could not stand being out of control. If they could moderate, people would not hire me out of desperation because they need my help. If they could moderate they would have.

Skinny Coach is an option, Overeaters Anonymous is another, but the diet industry is still talking about moderation. MODERATE? Really? If I could moderate I would not have been 100 pouds overweight. I’m not the only one who struggles with that; I hear the stores from my Skinny Girls about feeling out-of-control. If people could moderate, would there be so many obese people in the U.S.? The difference is that I’ve found the solution.

Another lie the diet industry has everyone believing is that you have to have a little bit of everything or you will feel deprived. That is the one of the most childish claims I have heard. Only with food is this position espoused. No one can have everything that they want, and if they are mature they learn to live with limitations. Some people have physical handicaps; some people can’t live in the city or neighborhood that they want; some people can’t go to the college of their choice – and some people can’t eat whatever they want.

We now know that the brain of the food addict is predisposed to respond differently to refined foods due to dopamine receptor deficiencies. Eating the refined, addictive foods stimulate the release of neurotransmitters, dopamine and serotonin resulting in euphoria. The problem is the euphoria is short-term and tolerance builds, which leads to more weight gain and more out-of-control behavior. If your eating is out of control, if you are always starting a diet and eventually failing, if your pants no longer fit, if you are dreading the upcoming holidays because you have nothing to wear and you know you will gain another 10 pounds, if you are bloated, sick, tired and hopeless, you now have a solution. You have the answer now it; is a matter of taking responsibility. Denial is not an option anymore.

If you have questions or want to talk about whether you may have an unhealthy physical attachment to foods like sugar and flour please fill out the Skinny Coach quiz and I will call you for a free 1 hour nutritional consultation and tell you about the one easy, healthy secret that will help your lose belly fat.

I would really appreciate your comments below. Ask me any diet related question or let me know what you would like to know more about.


If you read this article and could forward it to a friend you could really help them out.
Most importantly, if you are struggling and need help all you have to do is email me at tiffany@skinnycoach.com and I’ll set up a complementary session with you to pinpoint your triggers and help you with ways to deal with them. You don’t have to struggle with your weight and health. I can help you.

Get Skinny!
Take the Skinny Coach quiz and the
Skinny Coach will call you with the results.

Please add me to your Facebook friends and I will send you the list of the 100 names of sugar and 1 tip to lose that belly fat. www.facebook.com/skinnycoach.


The word addiction carries a lot of preconceptions. Most of us, when we hear the dirty word “addiction,” we think of a degenerate in a dark alley. One might be surprised at how widespread addiction truly is. Let’s discuss the addiction of a less obvious nature- sugar.

The definition of addiction is “a state characterized by compulsive engagement in rewarding stimuli, despite adverse consequences.” Broader than you might have imagined, isn’t it? When an alcoholic is “diagnosed” they are considered an addict for life. Even once they are off the alcohol, the call themselves a recovering addict. The reason is because they know that if they consume alcohol they will not be able to stop consuming, even if it hurts them. You’ll also find the literature on alcoholics state that they have a “disease” and they cannot help their lack of control in that area.

Now let’s talk about an addiction that is closer to home. Sugar addiction. When you eat sugar it lights up the same part of the brain as cocaine. Additionally, you are flooded with serotonin and other “feel good” hormones. You therefore, continue to consume the sugar because of the wildly enjoyable rewarding feeling that comes after you consume the sweets. As you continue doing this, repeatedly, day after day, you begin to feel the adverse consequences. You are tired, lethargic, sickly, and FAT. And yet, as shocking as it may seem, you (and your fat body) walk to the kitchen to consume more of this sickening and fattening drug.

You are addicted to sugar. You consume sugar regardless of the adverse consequences you experience. You can’t stop yourself. You have the disease known as sugar addiction. Just like if you were addicted to crack or alcohol you truly can never consume sugar again. As soon as you do you will lose control again! People say that as soon as you admit to yourself that you have a problem you can begin the road to recovery. Start your road to recovery now.

If you eat sugar, and you cannot control your intake, and you keep eating it after it has made you lethargic and fat, you are addicted. Don’t worry, now that you know, you can get help.

Click here to take the Sugar Addiction Quiz.